Guilt should be viewed through the eyes of
more than one
person, southern
or otherwise. William Faulkner filters
story, Absalom,
Absalom!, through several minds providing the
reader with a
dilution of its representation. Miss
lonely, mad, is unable to answer her own questions
Sutpen's motivation. Mr. Compson sees
much of the
evil and the
illusion of romanticism of the evil that turned
Southern ladies
into ghosts. Charles Bon and Henry
Sutpen are
evaluated for
their motives through Quentin Compson and Shreve
McCannon. Quentin attempt to evade his awareness,
Shreve the
outsider (with
Quentin's help) reconstructs the story
understands the
meaning of Thomas Sutpen's life. In the
Absalom!, a multiple consciousness technique is used to
reassess the
process of historical reconstruction by the
Chapter one is the scene in which Miss
Rosa tells Quentin
about the early
days in Sutpen's life. It's here that
explains to
Quentin why she wanted to visit old mansion on this
day. She is the one narrator that is unable to
view Sutpen
objectively. The first chapter serves as merely an
to the history of
Sutpen based on what Miss Rosa heard as a child
and her brief
personal experiences.
The narration of Absalom, Absalom!, can be
considered a
coded activity.
Faulkner creates the complex narration beginning
at chapter
2. It ironic that one of Faulkner's
greatest novels
is one in which
the author only appears as the teller of the
story in one
brief section; The details of the hero's arrival,
Thomas Sutpen,
into Jefferson in chapter 2. Although
sets the scene up
in each section (The omniscient narrator), most
of the novel is
delivered through a continual flow of talk via
Quentin appears to think the material for
the first half of
the chapter
2. The narrator, throughout the novel,
works as a
historian. The narrators seem to act like a model for
The narrator actually
teaches the reader how to participate in
the historical
recollection of Absalom Absalom! The
also introduces
the reader to things to come. The
complexity of
the novel
involves more than just reading the novel.
The reader
must become an
objective learner as to the history of Mr. Sutpen.
Mr. Compson's section of chapter two
(43-58) contains words
"perhaps" and "doubtless."
For example: Compson speculates
that Mr.
Coldfield's motivation for a small wedding was "perhaps"
parsimony or
"perhaps" due to the community's attitude toward his
son-in-law (50). The aunt's "doubtless": did not
forgive Sutpen
for not having a past and looked at the public
"probably" as a way of securing her niece's future as a
wife (52). Faulkner uses these qualifiers to heighten
nature of the narrative, so that Compson's engagement
in the
metahistorical process, rather that Sutpen's history,
becomes the
primary focus (Connelly 3).
As Mr. Compson continues his presentation
of the Sutpen
history, Compson
begins to explain Sutpen on two very different
planes of
significance. Sutpen, through the
narration of Mr.
Compson, becomes
the tragic hero and a pragmatist (Duncan 96).
After this,
Compson switches his approach to one of more personal
involvement. The beginning of chapter 4, Faulkner displays this
with the use of
phrases like "I believe" or "I imagine" Mr.
Compson begins to
use a more humane approach to the telling of
the story. Mr. Compson demands Henry "must have
know what his
father said was
true and could not deny it" (91).
Compson make
assumptions based
on his own conclusions at this time. The
and "imagine" again reveal for the reader that he/she
must make some of
their own speculations in order to ascertain
some of Sutpen's
historical facts.
Mr. Compson is creating his own
reconstruction of Sutpen's
history. Again, Faulkner uses words like
"believes" and
to make us understand Compson's explanation of the
past. The reader is now compelled to believe the
Compson insists
at the end of this passage that "Henry must have
been the one who
seduced Judith" (99). It appears
that this
passage is
extremely important to Compson's account.
Rather than
just collecting
the facts and then recording them, the reader now
begins to realize
the all history is subject to interpretation.
With the reader beginning to question the
reconstruction of
Sutpen's life, Miss Rosa take over the
narration in
chapter 5. It's important to know that
narrative is in
italics. The italics signal a break from
motivated narrative. "when the
narrators shift to
italics, they
show almost a quantum leap to the perception of new
giving new facts" (Serole 2). There
is now a
desire for the
reader and the narrator to unravel the truth.
Miss Rosa's
section seems to be a dream. The
dreamlike qualities
in her
recollection of the stories may not be true.
By the end
of Miss Rosa's
narrative section we are probing and yearning to
reveal the
character's motives and history. Through
Miss Rosa,
Faulkner presses
the reader to believe that such a dreamlike
quality contains
truths. "The reader just as often
finds himself
witness to a
proairetic sequence that appears perfectly logical
but lacks the
coherence of meaning, as if he had not been given
the hermeneutic
clues requisite to grasping the intention of
event and motive
of its narration" (Bloom 108).
Chapter 6 marks the start of Quentin
taking over the
narration of the
novel, with Shreve supplying information that
considers him a narrator. The chapter deals with
Shreve asking
Quentin to tell him about the south. As
delivers the
narration, Shreve occasionally interrupts and
information for the reader. Faulkner now makes us
believe Quentin's
accounts of the past. Quentin's
of the past is
now the focus of the reader.
As chapter 7 begins, Quentin turns to
Sutpen's biography,
which is actually
Sutpen's account of his own youth. The
firsthand telling
is mediated by three generations of speakers
listeners. The authoritative
presentation is again
undermined. A strange lack of involvement, contrasting
foreground biases
and distortions of Rosa's and Compson's earlier
characterizes this section. The creation by the
generations of
mediation and Sutpens's detachment from his own
experience, which
is described as "not telling about himself, He
was telling a
story" (Matthews 157).
In Sutpen's own biography, he is obsessed
with the telling
of the
"grand design." The wealth,
land, and family and which
would avenge his
reputation. The linking of the Sutpen's
design, his
dynasty, and his quest for a historical presence can
be found
throughout his narration. "Sutpen's compensatory plot,
what he
repeatedly calls his 'design' will be
conceived to
assure his place
on the proper side of the bar of difference"
(Bloom 117).
Thomas Sutpen was convinced that the
he offers for his actions do explain, and
General Compson
tries to elaborate on Sutpen's bare story, adding
his analysis of
Sutpen's flaw, his innocence (240,252).
The next pertinent section of the book
begins when Shreve
get his chance to
narrate. Shreve makes presumptions about
innocence. It is here that Shreve reveals to the reader
that Bon
was an instrument
of revenge for his mother. The lawyer is a
character solely
of Shreve's invention, which allows him to
explain the
"maybe's" surrounding Bon's discovery of his
"maybe" he wrote the letters that were the catalyst
for the event to
follow (Krause 156). Quentin and Shreve
begin to think as
one at this point. The compelling nature
part to the
attention to details, such as the lawyer's ledger in
which the value
of Sutpen's children is computed.
Shreve sorts through all kinds of
assumptions. His
exploration of
the history of Thomas Sutpen leads the reader to
believe his conjectures. Shreve discards details that do not
explain and keep
what seems most capable of illuminating the
destruction of
Sutpen's dynasty. Shreve's tenacity is
generates an
undeniably compelling story (Conelly 9).
contends: "maybe she didn't because the demon
would believe she
had," Shreve
also states: "maybe she just never thought there
could be anyone
as close to her as that lone child."
It is here
that Faulkner
begins to have Shreve be a detective of sorts.
consistency is
achieved, then the conclusions are valid because
they follow logic
(Leroy 28).
Shreve's explanation is significant, but
is not the final
step toward
explaining Bon's motives for murder.
Shreve and
collection of data and cumulative response was probably
true enough for
them. What Bon thought and knew and did
his alleged
courtship of Judith and his attempt to gain his
acknowledgment acquire a new insistence when Shreve
ceases speaking (333). The narrator slips
Shreve and
Quentin into the
roles of Henry and Charles. Shreve and
believe that they
have constructed and are experience Bon and his
Henry had just taken in stride because he
did not yet
believe it even though he knew that it was true...knew but
still did not believe, who was going
deliberately to look
upon and prove
to himself that which, so Shreve and Quentin
believed, would be like death for him to learn. (334-335)
Shreve and Quentin virtually live in
Charles and Henry's
shoes. This is when Quentin say that he and Shreve
are both Mr.
Compson, or on
the other hand that Mr. Compson and he may both be
Shreve and that
indeed it may have been Thomas Sutpen who brought
them all into
existence. "Even what we normally call 'reported
quotation- is the product of an act of
ventriloquism, in
a duet of four voices in which Quentin and
Shreve become
compounded with Henry and Bon" (Bloom 119).
Shreve ceased again. It was just as well, since he had no
Perhaps he was aware of
it. Then suddenly he
had no talker either, though possibly he
was not aware of
Because now neither of them were there.
they were
both in Carolina and the time was forty-six years ago, and
it was not even four now but compounded
still further, since
now both
of them were Henry Sutpen and both of them were
Bon compound each of both yet either,
smelling the very
smoke which had blown and faded away
forty-six years ago for
the bivouac fires burning in a pine grove,
the gaunt and
ragged men sitting or lying about them talking. (351)
Faulkner has carried most of the novel
thus far with
sensations such
as sight and sound. Faulkner introduces
and even
more powerful
sensory trigger, smell. When the reader
through Miss
Rosa's section of the novel, the reader is
conditioned to
see psychological truth; these unqualified
experiences are
the culmination of that search.
"The experience
offered here does
not supplant and invalidate the earlier
rather, through the new rhetorical mode of
presentation in
which 'was' has become 'is', Faulkner achieves a
sense of
closure. The quest for explanations is
11). It now seems that the past in now
being reenacted
by Quentin and
Shreve. The voices are Bon, Henry, and Sutpen are
evident. We here these voices and experience these
actions as
taking place in
the present and the real and imaginary collide
361). The passage now seem to be the
truth of history
rather than just
an interpretation.
The traditional narration is dropped from
existence. The
interpretations, speculations and conjectures are now woven
together. It appears that Faulkner's question of
recollection is
not what we right down. It is instead a
collection of
human situation, complex personal relationships,
analytical skills
used to reconstruct the facts and a creative
look into the
past. The reader doesn't merely look at
the past,
the reader has to
reassess the past. The reader is
compelled to
believe when the
senses are all used to construct and imagine the
true history, and
evaluate it enough to consider it valid.
Absalom, Absalom!
the reader is compelled to believe the story
that unravels
before their very own eyes. The story is
out in front of
us, and the reader is drawn in slowly to the
process of
understanding the history of Thomas Sutpen.
Absalom! is not
history, but a novel. about the quest for
knowledge (Connelly 12).
Works Cited
Aswell, Duncan.
"The Puzzling Design of Absalom, Absalom!"
Muhlenfeld 93-108
Bloom, Harold,
ed. Absalom, Absalom! Modern Critical
Interpretations. New York: Chelsea. 1987.
Don. "The History and Truth in
Absalom, Absalom!"
Northwestern University, 1991.
William. Absalom, Absalom! New York: Vintage, 1972
Lynn. "The Four Narrative
Perspectives in Absalom,
Absalom!" Austin: U of Texas, 1971.
Elizabeth, ed. William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!:
A Critical Casebook. New York: Garland,
Rollyson, Carl.
"The Re-creation of the Past in Absalom,
Absalom!" Mississippi Quarterly 29 (1976): 361-74
Searle Leroy. "Opening
the Door: Truth in Faulkner's Absalom,
Absalom!" Unpublished essay. N.d.
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