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Association for College Admission Counseling Scholarship Essay

            There are many reasons that I feel that I am qualified for this scholarship, but with limited words to explain this I will give you some qualities that I think stand out more than the others. I will give you the qualities of athleticism, leadership, and dedication to school and community.
The quality of athleticism has been with me ever since I started elementary school. During my high school years I have been participating in a sport every season, excelling in football, basketball, and baseball. This past season I had the privilege of making the semi-final game in football, which is quite a feat for our high school. We just ended our basketball season, earlier than expected, and not being able to participate in the EDC basketball tournament. Baseball will hopefully be a successful season.

The quality of leadership I hold has been evident in many cases. Toward the beginning of my senior year I was elected by the student body as their Homecoming King. For athletics, my leadership was awarded with being named captain for two years in baseball, and honorary captains for both football and basketball.
My dedication to school has brought me to keeping a steady 3.8 and above GPA, has got me elected to the National Honors Society my junior year, and kept me on the honor roll. Even though I have extra-curricular activities I still manage to hold this GPA.
My ability to work in the community has been able to make my day better whether I am visiting the nursing homes, mowing lawns, cleaning driveways, or just helping out with mechanical problems.
These qualities of athleticism, leadership, and dedication to school and community I believe qualify me for this scholarship.

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