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Internship Term Paper

     I secured an internship for the spring semester of 2004 at Dallas Fan Fares. Little did I know what that would entail. Dallas Fan Fares is an event planning company that specializes in business functions and sporting events. I was able to design over twenty travel documents, which included two luggage tags, two emergency notification cards, a pocket itinerary, and a wallet cover. I was lucky enough to be able to have basically all the creative freedom I could ask for. They would give me most of the information, and leave the rest up to me. I would mainly go to corbis or look at the pictures that were already on file.
However, as the semester went on, I began to branch out and realize that it would impress my boss and other associates if I thought outside of the box. I began to go to certain websites and pick pictures that were relevant. I would usually use a couple of pictures, and format them in a way that brought the whole concept together. I can remember in detail one exact time where Laura Robertson who was head over Sunny Wheeler, who I reported to, asked me to design a notebook cover for the training manual. Since Dallas Fan Fares is an event planning company I chose to download numerous beautiful locations and use that as a

border to a scenic picture of the skyline of Dallas since that is where Dallas Fan Fares is located. The other ladies at Dallas Fan Fares were more than impressed by the creativity to go a step further.
     I wish that I were able to remain at Dallas Fan Fares and continue to work. My father is very adamant that I chose a job where I receive some sort of income, especially I will remain in Dallas this summer. This job also taught me how to be persistent. I had no idea how hard it is to work from ten to five only on Mondays and Fridays. I can not imagine working everyday from nine until five. How redundant that sounds. I then began to think of how to make work fun. The whole concept of work is not about making money. I do not understand how someone can go through life working everyday, spending the majority of their life being somewhere they do not want to be, and doing things they do not like. Dallas Fan Fares taught me how important it is to maintain valuable and respectful relationships with your co-workers. I am a people person, but I had no idea how much you rely on your co-workers for motivational support to accomplish a certain task or to just get through the day. Especially when it comes to event planning, you can

not rely on a single person to complete the task. You must work as a team, and I learned exceptional teamwork skills through interning at Dallas Fan Fares. This was an experience that I have heard about, but only through actually getting out into the world and experiencing first-hand what I’ve been taught, do I realize the effectiveness of an internship.

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