As I stood at the three point line, the ball
seemed to be in slow
motion. Screams
from the crowd came as the ball dropped through the
net. Not only did
this shot go in but it dropped through the net with
such force that
it made a sound that was heard throughout the gym. The
gym was packed
and the fans were on their feet, I had just hit my first
three pointer of
my varsity basketball career. As our team set up the
press, sweat
dripped from my face. I was close enough to kiss my
opponent, there
was no way he was going to get the ball. He shoved me
backward and he
planted his foot on mine, he then pushed off and ran for
the inbounder.
fell back a few feet and sprinted towards my man. As
the inbounder
released the ball with a firm push I stuck my hand out in
hopes for a
steal, SNAP! As the ball was deflected towards the right my
man ran and
picked it up. I quickly looked down at my finger and with
fear and I pain
walked over to my bench. My pinkie-finger on my right
hand was at a
ninety degree ankle, as sweat dripped down may face I
could feel myself
getting hot. My stomach seemed to drop and I was
feeling as if I
was on a roller coaster. The game had been stopped and
I was brought into
the coach's room. My assistant coach led me into the
room and sat me
down on a wooden chair. I began to feel very cold, and
my finger began
to have a shooting pain. This pain was not present
before and was
not making itself known that there was something wrong
My parents entered the room, my mother carrying
a face that I never had
seen before. My
father with a calm collective look to him. The
assistant then
began to explain that there was to deal with this, either
go to the
hospital and miss the game or deal with it right in the room.
My mother stared
over at my coach when he relayed this message to me and
my father seem to
agree with my coach. I looked at my coach with eyes
of trust and
horror, and then laid my hand in his. He then took his
hand and placed
it over my pinkie. Which by now was swelling and
painful. Soon he got a firm grip and with one quick tug my
finger was now
vertically correct. My coach then looked at me with
bulging eyes and
asked how it felt. Being the starting point guard on
my schools
varsity team there was no way I was going to say that I
needed to leave
the game. With a convincing nod and a energetic
response I was on
my way back onto the court. I reentered the game and
the crowd began
to applaud, I was so nervous. It was like the first
time I had ever
played basketball in front of a crowd. The game resumed
and I ran down
the court, my finger throbbed and I could not help but
think of it. My
teammates snapped the ball quickly over to me and I
caught it. I felt
like dropping the ball and running to the sideline
but instead I got
rid of the ball as soon as I could. I then proceeded
to run over to
the sideline and with a look of pain in my eyes I let my
coach know that I
needed to come out of the game. As I sat there and
watched my team
lose the game I could not decide if I was hurting more
from my finger or
from the fact that I was not in there helping my team.
As the coach was
screaming and yelling in the locker room I could not
help but think
about my finger, the pain was no shooting down my arm and
I was praying
that I did not break it. I showered and proceeded to get
dressed. Each
time I buttoned a button on my shirt I would get a
shooting pain, I
began to believe that I should go to the hospital but I
did not want to
let anyone know. I walked up the steps and there were
my parents. My
Mom gave me a look of compassion and she seemed very
Sternly, my father said that I should go to the hospital but
with a convincing
tone of voice I talked them out of it. I went home
that night and
stayed up thinking about the possibility that I might
have a broken
finger. As I dazed off to sleep I repeated to myself that
things were going
to be O.K.
I woke up in some pain but I thought nothing of
I because injuries are
always worse the
day after. It was Saturday so I had a couple of days
to rest my
finger, by mid-afternoon my finger as throbbing like it had
just been hit by
a hammer. At this time I decided that I needed to go
to the emergency
room. My father and I hopped into the 95 Mazda 626 and
of to the
hospital we went. On the ride there several things were going
though my mind,
although I was very optimistic. At most I thought I
would miss a
month or so, and that was absolute tops. I got to the
hospital and
filled out paperwork. Actually I filled out endless pages
of paperwork that
was quite painful to my finger. About twenty minutes
later a short, a
thin blond hair nurse came out and with a soft voice
"George." I then got up and with a nervous step in my walk
proceeded to the
examination room. I took a seat and the nurse asked to
see my finger.
She gently touched my finger. With a stare that made me
nervous, replied
"this does not look good." With a threatened voice I
said" What
do you mean," she then pointed out to me that the top part
of my finger was
twisted to the left. My knuckle was twice the size of
any other one on
my finger and it had a blue color to it, the kind of
blue you see when
you have been bruised very badly. I had notice this
before but I had
failed to make a big deal of it, then the doctor walked
in. He was a tall
man with a thick mustache and thick brown hair. He
opened his mouth
and the words "how did you do this?" came out. I
replied in a
basketball game and he then began to take a look at my
finger. He had a
look of concern on his face and before I knew it I was
gong to have my
fingered x-rayed. I had this done which took all of ten
minutes and then
he returned with the results. I had been sitting there
in anticipation
of the results. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for
his return. Then
the door opened slowly and the doctor walked in. He
took a seat next
to me and with a calm voice said" It looks as if you
are going to need
surgery." I almost fell out of my seat this would
mean that I would
miss just about my whole season. Me, the starting
point guard out
for the season. I looked at my father with hope and
hoping that he would have some advice to give me. What could
he say the doctor
had given his diagnosis and he was right. The doctor
then proceeded
with a stern convincing voice to say that I had shattered
the bones in my
right pinkie finger. I would have to have surgery to
pin these bones
back together, the process is going to take about two
and half hours. I
picked myself up off the floor and my dad and I got
back into the
Mazda and drove home. I was extremely quiet on the way
home and felt as
if all my hard work and preparation for this basketball
season was for
nothing. Although my father tried to keep my hopes up, it
was not having
any effect on me. The trip to hospital was one that I
regretted and in
two weeks from then, would be playing for in the
operating room.
The weekend seemed to drag on forever and
finally Monday rolled around.
Throughout school
I had shooting pains in my finger and all I could
think about was
what exactly my coach was going to say when I gave him
the news that I
was going to be out for six weeks. The day ended and I
packed my school
bag as usual, I then headed for basketball practice. I
got there and
everyone came up to me asking how my finger was, I
responded with an
upset disappointing tone, that I would be out for six
weeks. The team
was as surprised as I was when I heard the noise.
Although the team
felt bad, they were not the ones that were going to
have the doctor
cut open their finger, and pin tiny bones back together.
I had stay on the
sidelines and watch the team day in and day out play
the game that I
loved so much. The worst of it was that I had to watch
someone fill my
spot, a spot that I had worked long hours for in the
summer. Someone
was just going to step in and take the spot that I had
reserved for
myself. That was worse than the pain of my finger or the
surgery I had to
go through.
The day had come, and I woke up extremely early
that morning. I was
not allowed to
eat anything and as I was driving in with my father my
stomach was
growling. We arrived at the hospital and I checked in at
the front desk, a
rather large women with brown hair took the
information that
they needed. They brought me into a room and had me
put on a johnny.
You know, one of those pieces of clothing that shows
your body to the
world. I came out of the bathroom and they had brought
in a television
for my father and I too watched as we waited. We put in
"Whit men
can't jump" and just as Woody was going to take the court for
the first time
the overweight nurse walked in. They brought me to the
prep room and
there I lay just waiting to go under. As they started my
IV I began to get
nervous. I thought of nothing except for the surgery
to come. The
doctor then added vallium to my IV and before I could count
to five I was
I woke up and felt very sluggish, I lay there
for a while and then
proceeded to get
dressed. The operation was over and I was on my way to
recovery. Two
weeks passed and I was still attending every practice and
every game, this
was very hard for me because I was unable to play. The
season went on
and I watched for the sidelines, and on the final game of
the season, I got
my cast off. However, I was unable to play because I
still needed to
go to therapy for my finger. My junior basketball
season was lost,
and I could never get it back. The effects came a year
later, May of
senior year.
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