Scientifically, there is no obstacle for a
nuclear or atomic bomb. There
are no secrets in
Nuclear Science anymore. Anyone with a reasonable physics
degree and access
to a good technical library could design a workable atomic
bomb in less than
6 months, so why hasn't anyone. Maybe there has been,
no one is exactly
sure. In the last 52 years there has been enough nuclear
warheads made to
destroy every city in the world and still have thousands left
over.(Church 40)
This all happened during the Cold War, a period of 45 years (1947-
1991), between
mainly the two superpowers (United States and the Soviet
nations were involved, and 2 wars were fought over it (Korea
and Vietnam) and
a nuclear war was almost waged (Cuban Missile Crisis).
Now with the
breakup of the Soviet Union into a loose Commonwealth
no one is exactly
sure who has all the weapons. Certain nations inherited
them, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Russia, while others tried stealing
them, Iran,
Libya, and North Korea. And since the breakup certain people
have been caught
stealing the materials needed to make a bomb. These
terrorists have
never been caught in the United States but numerous times in
As a matter of fact, the Russians say someone stole a bomb
simulator, which
will explode and make mushroom cloud but has no nuclear
People know that despite efforts to keep control on the old
Soviet stockpile
and waste, terrorists are getting the plutonium and
uranium needed to
make nuclear weapons to kill masses of people.
This is kind of
the history of the nuclear & atomic bomb: (all from Williams)
The first atomic
bomb was thought up by Albert Einstein in the late
30's. In 1942
Enrico Fermi brought about first nuclear reaction with isotope
Uranium 235. From
this the Manhattan Project was brought about and took
place in Los
Alamos, New Mexico. Then July 16, 1945 near Alamogordo,
New Mexico
world's first atomic bomb was set off. Three weeks later on August
6, 1945
"Little Boy" hit Hiroshima and had the force of 26 million pounds of
TNT. Next on
August 9, 1945 "Fat Man" missed it's mark but still
Nagasaki causing an unconditional surrender by the Japanese.
Then in 1946 the
United Nations tried to outlaw the weapons but the Soviets
used their veto
power against it. Finally in 1949 they developed their own
weapons. In 1952
the first hydrogen bomb was made with a force of 800
Hiroshima's. In
1953 the Russians did it too (thanks to the Rosenberg's).
In 1958 the
United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union stopped
testing but in
1961 France started. Then the Cuban Missile Crisis happened.
This event was
the closest we have ever come to a nuclear war. This event
it really kind of
woke the United States and Soviet Union up about what
could happen.
Because of this a direct phoneline was set up between the Kremlin
and the white
The main question today is who has control of
the weapons. The
former superpower
Russia is in political turmoil. Now instead of two people
with their hands
on the button there could be dozens! Even the Central
Agency director John Deutch said he is afraid of loose nukes
being smuggled
out of Russia.(McGirk 35) The United States is in pretty good condition
because not much
nuclear waste is stolen (they believe) and no missiles ever
have been stolen.
But in some countries nuclear technicians haven't been
paid in six
months (Russia). Security is breaking down, and waste is leaking
out. What is
everyone going to do the next morning after a nuclear terrorist
The four new formed nations of Belarus,
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and
Russia all have
nuclear missiles. Although Ukraine and Belarus say they
want no part of
them it is not known their real stance.( If they don't want
them then where
will they go. They will probably send them to third world
nations or
terrorist with a lot of money, because they are so poor. One
Russian political
columnist Vladlen Sirotikin said, "give me a million bucks,
and I'll have a
nuclear tipped missile bought or stolen and delivered anyplace
you want."
The Pakistani Interior Minister General N. Babar admits his
government has
been approached by smugglers with nuclear shopping lists.
In fact one
Russian proverb which I think applies is, "The less you know,
the better you
There is 15 nations in the world with nuclear
weapons. Besides the
United States
other Declared Nuclear weapon states are China, Russia, Great
Britain, France
and Kazakhstan. The Undeclared but known nuclear weapon
states are India,
Pakistan, Israel, and Bangladesh. The Soviet successor states
that say they are
getting rid of the weapons and waste are the Ukraine and
Belarus. There is
three countries with active programs and wide spread
government condoned
terrorism, Libya, Iran, and North Korea. The scary
thing about China
is that they are a declared nuclear weapon state and it is
well known that
Beijing is willing to sell nuclear weaponry (along with
anything else) to
any state with the cash to pay for it. ( Another scary thing
is about Iran
because they have 10,000 students in our country, and Oliver
Revell, the
second highest in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said that
300 of the 10,000
who came as students are under a careful watch. Some of
the 300 are
members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard and their intentions are
far from
academic. (McGirk 35)If they have nuclear capabilities, who knows? Plus
another suspected
nuclear state, Libya, won't accept American passports.
That shows how
much they like us.
What would it be like if one of these countries
or terrorists did drop
the bomb? I mean
if they don't make one they could just steal one. There
is 18,000
warheads compared to 2300 cities throughout the world.(Williams) Maybe
even a crazy
American president with followers could start it. In 1973 the
United States
signed the War Powers Act in which the president could
conduct and start
a nuclear war for 60 days without congressional approval.(Mayers,
Teena) And what
if he does, in 1862 Henry Adams said, "Someday science may
have the
existence of mankind in it's power and the human race will commit
suicide by
blowing up the world."(Mollins) Since the 60's the superpowers were able
to destroy each
other over and over. This is called MAD, Mutually Assured
What would it be like at ground zero after the
fallout. The three main
effects of the
blast is pressure, heat, and radiation. The pressure of the
explosion causes
physical damage to anything that happens t be in the way.
The heat of the
blast burns everything, even things that aren't supposed to
burn. With the
combination of the two can even vaporize people near the
epicenter. Then
there is radiation which is just a side effect and can reek
havoc for
generations with mutations and cancers etc. It's no wonder that
a terrorist wants
this against a certain ethnic group or nationality. Especially
fundamentalist countries, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Libya as well as
Israel and it's
Jewish population.(Andrews)
On November 23, 1994 the United States military
Sapphire. This took place in Kazakhstan and the U.S. had to
take 600
kilograms of very highly enriched uranium from the Ulba
Plant. That is enough to build 25 Hiroshima-type bombs.
had been at the base and was actually on it's way to pick it up when
President Clinton
approved the operation and sent Americans on the way
with 20 million
in cash to buy it and airlift it back to the United States and
brought it to
acquire the materials to build the nukes from either the third
world countries,
China, or poor, underpaid, overworked, Russian nuclear
power workers who
have not been paid in months. There has 14 different
occasions in
Germany alone of nuclear smuggling being caught at airports!
There has many
incidents involving a base in Obninsk and a man
named Leonid
Baranov. One such incident occurred when Baranov recruited
Sherbinin to smuggle material out of Obninsk, roughly 30 miles
outside of
Moscow, to Prague. Sherbinin was in Prague for six months trying
to sell his
material. Finally on December 14, 1994 he was arrested. They
found 6 pounds
(2.72 kilograms) or weapons grade uranium in the back
seat of his car.
That is only enough to build one tenth of a bomb, but what
if he spread it
into part of a city. Then it could seep into the water supply
and air
conditioning system, contaminate buildings and streets, and drift
invisibly without
even an explosion! Baranov is a suspect in two other
smuggling cases
in Germany. One such case involves three Spaniards,
Justiano Torres
Benitez, Julio Oroz, Javier Bengoechea. They were caught
in a German sting
with 560 grams of MOX fuel (363 grams of uranium &
plutonium). This
is a very controversial case in Germany because they
allowed this
substance to be let into Germany. It is also controversial in
Russia because
the Russians were notified of the sting and believe that
it was a ploy
against them because they international atomic controls
against the Russians. Although it is well known it was
stolen by Leonid
Baranov and from the Obninsk facility the Americans
and Russians
refuse to admit it. There is a way to tell where it is from by
it's radioactive
fingerprint but the Russians will not release theirs.(PBS)
The first known theft of nuclear materials was
by the Russians against
Leonid Smirnov at
a train station in Podolsk. It was 98% enirched uranium
238 with uranium
235. He said quote, " I didn't know what I was doing,
I needed
money". He had over 1.5 kilograms of the highly enriched uranium
and was going to
just go around knocking on peoples doors trying to sell it.
He got it by
taking little by little over five months and no one noticed. His
co-workers didn't
suspect anything because he would take it when they were
on their smoking
breaks. He was found guilty on March 11, 1993 of stealing
and storing
radioactive materials. His sentence was only 3 years of probation
but it could have
been up to 10 years in jail. He still lives in the same
apartment as he
has for 25 years. (PBS)
On June 14, 1995,
a training exercise was carried out at the Kursk
Atomic Power
Plant in the summer of 1995, is an event that Russia's
security forces
point out to show that they are taking seriously the threat of
involving nuclear and radioactive materials. In the scenario,
terrorists take
the nuclear plant hostage, declaring that they will
blow up the
reactor if their demands are not met. Local police, fire, and
facilities are involved in the exercise, along with agents of the
Federal Security
Service and other federal forces. When negotiations
fail, the command
team decides to take the plant by force. A masked SWAT
team is
assembled, storms the reactor building, and is able to stop the role
terrorists. The event was videotaped and made into a public relations
video that the
FSB has used to successfully lobby for the creation of a new
Anti Terrorist
Task Force. And on an ironic note, this anti terrorist exercise
would have been
declared a complete success if only it didn't happen the
very same day
Chechen separatists had taken hostage a hospital full of people
in the city of
Budyonnovsk, Russia. Let's hope these attempts work so
terrorists won't get the materials or be able to use them.(PBS)
So in conclusion terrorists are able to get the
materials required to
make a nuclear
weapon or contaminate an area with nuclear waste. A
government official
from Pakistan raises a good question when said, "This
material is
supposed to be strictly controlled, and if the Russian Mafia or
whoever else is
smuggling it out then it is very serious. Many of the things
hawked out are
radioactive... There is potential for a terrorist group buying
up bits and
pieces". There is growing fear that sooner or later the Irish
Republican Army,
or another extremist group could explode a bomb. So
if they are
getting it from Russia why isn't there any extra international
prevention in the
former Soviet Union? Weapons are being dismantled at an
alarming rate.
It's good thing to, because finding a needle in haystack is
easier than
finding a bomb in an international city.(Waller 17) There is three
main ways they
would destroy a terrorists bomb: 1. Use conventional weapons
to blow up the
bomb without the nuclear aspect going off. 2. A 30 millimeter cannon
blow a nuke to
pieces without an explosion. And 3. Pour liquid nitrogen over
the bomb to
freeze it's electronics.(Waller)
There is obviously a higher risk for a strike
now because so many
people have their
hands on the buttons with 15 nations and who knows
who else might
have the button to kill millions. So despite attempts to keep
control on
nuclear material terrorists and third world countries are getting
their hands on
the material to kill large masses of people. Key players in
trying to stop
this is usually the United Nations or leaders (i.e. Reagan &
Looking into the future, it will be a time of either great
destruction in
the world or great reduction of nuclear based uses.
Works Cited
Allen, Arthur.
"Operation Hades" New Republic August 21, 1995: 12.
Andrews, Elaine.
Civil Defense in the Nuclear Age Franklin Watts, New
York: 1985.
Church, George J.
"Soviet Nukes on the Loose" Time December 16,1991:
Frontline: Loose
Nukes PBS. WMHT Albany, New York. November 19,
1996: 50 minutes.
Luttwak, Edward
N. "International Arms Control" Microsoft Encarta 1995
Mayers, Teena.
Understanding Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control.
Education in
world: 1983.
McGirk, Tim.
"Pakistan's Radioactive Bazaar" World Press Review July
1996: 35.
Mollins, Carl.
"Paying for the Bomb" Macleans August 7, 1995: 38.
Talbot, Strobe.
"The History of the Bomb" Time January 30, 1989: CD-ROM.
Waller, Douglas.
"Nuclear Ninjas" Time January 8, 1996: 38-40
Weiss, Ann E. The
Nuclear Arms Race, Can we survive it? Boston:
Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1983.
Wilkie Tom.
"Terrorist and the Bomb" World Press Review July 1996: 37
Williams, Gene B.
Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter New York : Franklin
Watts, 1989.
No author named.
"Operation Sapphire" Macleans December 5, 1994: 35.
No author named.
"Bombs across the Ocean" Time April 20, 1989: CD-ROM.
No author
mentioned. "A Nasty Spat Against Friends" Time May 8,1989:
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