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Paramilitary and Survivalist Groups

There are many different forms of militias and paramilitary
groups, whose membership and ideology often vary from, place to
place.  However, what most have in common, is their hatred for the
federal government.  In recent years, there have been far too many
violent acts done by these militias, seeking to prove their points to
the government, and the public at large.  They have threatened to
blow up power plants, government buildings, even the Hoover
Dam.  They hold many military exercises and are frequently in the
news.  There are many different things that support growth of these
groups.  Some of them have proved themselves to be extremely
dangerous, such as when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma
City Federal Building, causing a mass catastrophe which killed 169
people, and severely injured many others.  Some of these groups
claim to be able to justify racism, hate, and even murder. 
Consequently, many questions are raised for the safety of the public.

Militias and paramilitary groups vary in philosophy based on
their geographic locations.  In the East and North East, these groups
are usually not racist.  Militia and paramilitary groups in this area
tend to believe in non-entity United Nations "conspiracies" and
"take-overs", and they are strong defenders of the Second
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  They usually tend to be non-
violent, except in some cases, when they are protesting laws that
"lessen the strength" of the Second Amendment.  Thus these groups
are not as racist, but more intolerant of gun-laws.  In the mid-
western area, there are great numbers of militias and paramilitary
groups who feel very strongly about "anti-Christian" laws, or capital
issues like abortion.  Groups in this area are anti-abortionists, and
have right-winged beliefs surrounding similar major issues. 
They do not feel as strongly about gun-control, in contrast to the
beliefs of the Eastern-area militias.  In the western area, the militia
and paramilitary groups concentrate their efforts on "protecting"
their so-called "Christian" beliefs which, are "derived" from the
Bible, and seem to almost justify racism.  militias in this particular
area, especially in the Montana/Idaho region, tend to be very well
armed, because of less strict gun-laws and because of lower
populations.  As a result of lower populations, their are less street
crime, which is the primary reason for gun-laws.  The paramilitary
and militia groups in this area also concentrate their efforts on
expressing their outrage and resentment for the Waco and Ruby
Ridge incidents.  Consequently, they are probably the most
dangerous groups, as they not only have a great number of weapons
at their disposal, but also have a tangible reason to be angry at the
federal government (Junas 1-7).  Militias in the South are usually
very racist, and unlike the groups in the North, they are not very
tolerant of minorities or blacks in particular.  Groups in this area,
like the Ku Klux Klan, burn crosses in front of blacks homes, and
go out of their way to make life miserable for them.  In conclusion,
most members of paramilitary groups and militias in the South are
white, and extremely racist (Doe, Interview).  Since the ideals of
militias and paramilitary groups are so diverse based on the groups
locations, the only thing they really have in common, is that they
hate the federal government.

In addition to geography, there are other factors which affect
the way militias and paramilitary groups live, especially the way
these groups grow.  Technological advances are a key reason for
growth of these groups.  With fax machines, electronic bulletin
boards, and the Internet, these groups can now enroll many new
members.  When these advances were not around they expressed
their opinions the most by handing-out flyers in busy public areas
(Dees and Corcoran 87).  By preaching their beliefs of a coming
"New World Order", or "NWO" for short, these groups try to scare
people into becoming members of these organizations.  They also
claim that NAFTA, and other similar trade agreements are evidence
of the "NWO" (Morganthau 36-39).  Some organizations preach
that the coming of this "NWO" is evidence of the approaching
"End-Times", mentioned in the Bible (Dees and Corcoran 11). 
Possibly the largest reason for growth of militias and paramilitary
groups is gun control legislation which "interferes" with the Second
Amendment (Dees and Corcoran 73).  A great number of individual
gun-owners were angered into joining militias when the Brady-Bill
was passed, therefor "limiting" their Second Amendment rights
(Junas 1-7).  Finallymore   inconvenient public buildings, especially
airports and large federal buildings.  Most people would rather do
away with metal detectors, and other inconveniences, if it would
make their lives easier (Hubert and Delsohn A-1).  Some militias
and paramilitary groups, particularly those responsible for large
bombings, have been found to be "well-stocked" with all sorts of
weapons, detonators, and bombs.  When these particular groups
catch the federal government off-guard, there is a great possibility
for catastrophe (Evans 1-2).  Although most militias and
paramilitary groups are small, when compared to the federal
government, even when they are united, they may pose a threat to
the American public.  By using bombs and calling in bomb threats,
these groups have proven themselves to be dangerous to the public. 
They also, threaten the people of the United States, not  physically,
but with their conspiracy theories they make the democratic process
nearly unworkable, and impossible to execute.  Truly we would all
suffer if we did not live in a democracy.  Some of these groups can
be a serious threat to the U.S., but most of them are a threat to
democracy, which is by far, much worse (Evans 1-2). 

In addition to the physical threat of some militias and
paramilitary groups, there is another important issue surrounding
these groups.  Most of these groups have members which are made
up of entirely racist people, which claim to be able to justify racism
and hate of minorities.  There are two large types of these racist-
oriented militia groups.  There are those which claim to be listening
to "the word of God", and those which ramble of their fears of the
white race "dying off" some day.  The groups which feel that the
Bible, and "word of God" commands them to be racist, have a
primary belief.   The Bible mentions "the true Israelites", and "the
beasts of the field", and these racist paramilitary groups and militias
claim that the white race is the supreme race of "Israelites", and that
the minorities, and people of color, are "respectively", "the beasts of
the field" (Dees and Corcoran 10).  The groups which claim that the
white race is dying off, claim that a few Jewish bankers are secretly
controlling the UN  They have such far-fetched theories that most
people do not care to listen to them, which is the reciprocating
factor when they use violence to try to get the attention of the public. 
These groups, given the reason, could definitely be a threat to the
public (Dees and Corcoran 18).

There are differences in the beliefs of these groups, based on
where they are located.  There are multiple causes for the growth of
these groups.  These groups have proven themselves to be
dangerously threatening t democracy, although maybe not entirely
to the American public.  These groups feel that they can justify
racism through the Bible, or with their fears of the white race dying. 
They have caused mass catastrophes, and probably will continue to
in the future, unless something new is done to stop them.  Because
of this, many questions are raised for the safety of the public.

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