Journal by Clancy
Victor Kelleher
has developed four main characters in this science fiction novel. They are:
CASSIE: She is
the only full human out of the three friends and probably the smartest. She is
an extremely daring character with an enourmous will to be free. She is very
stubborn, like boxer, but unlike boxer is prepared to be discreet to get what
she wants. She is also cunning and quick minded and has a great dislike towards
authority due to having 'wild blood' included in her genetic makeup when she was bred in captivity. Her main
physical abilities include being able to throw well. This becomes relevant when
she has to escape from her enclosure by throwing a stone at a button or killing
a deadly leopog by throwing an iron bar.
She is very
faithful to her two dear friends and would go to extreme lengths to ensure
their safety. Although her friends are part animal she considers them to be the
BOXER : Boxer is
half baboon half human but he has a good grip on language. He is very smart,
even for a human, and is stubborn and not prepared to hold the truth even when
threatened. Physically he is very fit and is great at climbing walls.This comes
in handy when he is trying to find out information with out being caught.
Half way through the book the keepers do to him
what is known as 'deprogramming', which gives him a stroke and his skills are
reduced due to the left side of him being limp. Boxer goes through a lot of
pain to save his friends and never grizzles or wants anything in return which I
find is very admirable. Near the end of the book Boxer commits suicide so not
to slow everyone else down, this part of the book is very sad.
RALPH: Ralph is
half human half gorilla and does not have the same grip on speech as Boxer
does. Instead Ralph understands people by his very attuned instincts. These
instincts can detect a Deadly 'Leopog' from a distance and he knows when danger
is just around the corner. Physically he is very big and strong, and will go to
any lengths to protect Cassie and Boxer from any harm.
LEON: Leon is a
teen-age boy who is captured by the keepers and is kept against his will. He
gets to escape Parkland with Cassie, Boxer and Ralph. He is a fearless hero
belonging to a tribe that roam free in the mountains. Although he holds
prejudices towards Ralph and Boxer at the start (because of their differences)
he is soon won over and is very thankful that they helped him escape.
At the start of this book Leon does not appear
to be a very likable character but my attitude towards him changed as he
stopped hating Boxer and Ralph for being different, and started
to be more understanding.
Parkland's Issues
I think this book
raises some important issues relating to keeping animals in captivity. The book
illustrates the point of view of the
captive animal and what it is like living inside an enclosure. It also
shows the difference between an animal that has spent all its life locked up
and an animal that has spent most of its life free and is then captured.
The reasons for zoos in our community are
1. to educate the
public about a particular species.
2. captive
breeding so the species does not become extinct.
3. Entertainment.
The question is,
do we as humans have the right to keep animals confined just to obtain these
three objectives? Yes and No. I believe it is essential to have breeding
programs to preserve a species. I also think it is important to educate the
public about different species, so they can make intelligent decisions relating
to the preservation of a particular animal. What I think we should look at more
closely is objective number three. Should we be entertained at the expense of
the animals freedom? After reading Parkland I believe we should stop keeping
some animals purely for entertainment and start making living conditions better
for others.
In this book Leon
is captured and is locked up. He has more desire to get out than Cassie because
he knows what he is missing in life.
Where as Cassie has been in an enclosure since birth and does not want
to be let free as badly. This is why I believe it is okay to keep Domestic
animals in a decent sized yard. They have been bred for generations living in
suburban houses and calling it home that's why when a dog is let free it nearly
always returns to it's owners house. When they escape it's just to have quick
look around and then they return home. This example has similarities to an
incident in Parkland when Ralph after tasting freedom returns back to the
enclosures because that is where he calls home.
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