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political science final essays

Briefly describe and explain US foreign policy during the Cold War. What types of problems and approaches for dealing with them have emerged since the Cold War ended?

Pre WWII- US were isolationist- refusal to join league of nations

Post WWII- US and USSR only remaining superpowers in the world
            Started cold war between the two from 1945 to 1990
            US foreign policy mainly this for the next 45 years:
1.      close relationship with allies
2.      efforts to win support of newly independent poor countries
3.      what weapons systems to develop
All these were measured against what the other side was going to do

Main aspect of US foreign policy during cold war
1.      Containment- basis of US policy- first used when US gave military aid to Greece to prevent a communist take over
2.      Domino theory- if once country falls to communism, the next will fall and so on
3.      Bipartisanship- belief that both US parties must agrees on foreign policy issues- so as to give a unified front to our enemies

Foreign Policy under Truman:
Truman doctrine (1947): the US will assist any country facing subjugation
Marshall Plan 1947- $12 billion pledge to help rebuild central European countries after the war, ensuring that they are on our side and capitalist
The formation of NATO- an anti soviet military alliance b/t western Europe, the US, and Canada, pledged to defend and go to war with each other
Korean war 1950- north korea invades south korea, US came to aid with the UN
            Truman fires general McArthur over conflict- post Korean war puts US/USSR into stalemate

Foreign Policy under Eisenhower
Brinkmanship- escalated any armed conflict to the brink of nuclear war so the other side would back down
Mutually assured destruction- any nuclear action would be definite to completely destroy both countries
US expanded alliances outside of western Europe
Redscare- possibility of communist invasion with US government, Hollywood, US society- this led to the McCarthy hearings
Sputnik 1957- Soviets beat US in space race, by sending manned flight to space first

Foreign Policy under Kennedy
Bay of pigs invasion fiasco.
Missile crisis in 1962- brought very real possibility of nuclear holocaust targeted at US
US/USSR agreed to SALT 1 treaty after missile crisis- this limited each sides number of strategic arms
Goes to berlin wall to give speech and gain support
Peace corps- US expertise being brought to developing/needy countries

Policy under Johnson
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- 1964

Policy under Nixon
Foreign policy concentrated under secretary of defense
Nixon doctrine- military will provide assistance to friendly governments who are resisting revolutionary movements
Vietnam- fought in an effort to prevent communist take over of S. Vietnam- major set back in US foreign policy- tried to get troops out
Détente- lessened tension between US and Russia- plays china and USSR against each other

Policy under Carter
Emphasis on returning to civilian rule in latin America
Camp David Accords 1978- 
            Brought president of Egypt and Israel pm together to establish diplomacy b/t their feuding countries
Panama canal treaties- return control of the canal to panama- made US look weak
Iran hostage crisis in 1979- took over US embassy in Tehran

Policy under Reagan
Cold war rhetoric- calls Soviets evil empire- argues for increased force
Troops- more willingly to commit them overseas such as in Grenada and Lebanon, but brought them home when bases were bombed
Openings to Gorbachev- Gorbachev’s agendas of restructuring (perestroika) and openness (glasnost)- helped soviet market, and refused to intervene militarily

Post Cold War
Berlin wall fell in 1989- symbolic end of cold war

Problems/approaches under George H W Bush
End of bipolar view as the soviets no longer a threat- US now only superpower
Gulf War 1991- when Iraq attacked Kuwait
Soviet empire is gone- but their arsenals still remain
Growing national/religious conflict around the globe
Conflicts over democracy and markets
            US trying to promote these to countries that may not have had this kind of experience
Arms Control- growing number of nuclear powers
            More countries have access to biological weapons/ weapons of mass destruction

Terrorism- caused new security issues
            Groups having access to weapons apart from governments
             Environmental problems/health issues-
            Spread of AIDS in Africa, pollutions, effects of world economy
Drug trade- complicated US relations with central American nations

Problems/approaches under Clinton
Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia- internal conflicts- question of when/ should we intervene
Trade deficit of mid 80’s where US imported more goods then exported
            This led to formation of NAFTA and WTO
Efforts to expand NATO and bring greater security in Europe        
Sanctions- increasingly used as punishment to countries whose internal policies we did not approve; ex) Suddam Hussein in Iraq
Kosovo- committed to using air power to limit power the Serbs maintained

Problem/approaches under George W. Bush
Terrorism- 9/11 attacks on WTC/pentagon brought fear front/center
2002 national security strategy
            US will use preemptive action to thwart any perceived threats
US has world largest/strongest economy
            US corporations are increasingly global, affecting our foreign policy

2)      Describe and explain how the national government influences economic policy.

Macroeconomic policy- the Governments efforts to affect the performance of the economy as a whole
Stages of Policy Making-
1.      agenda setting- an effort to get officials to consider an issue
2.      Policy formulation- proposals developed to deal with a problems and a plan is decided
3.      policy adoption- the inaction of the plan
4.      implementation- the plan is carried out
5.      evaluation- how does it affect the people and the issue- if it is ineffective, it will start over again

Goal of Economic Policy
1.      Economic growth- an annual increase in the GDP
-more jobs, more products, higher incomes
            2. Low unemployment
            3. Stable prices- avoiding inflation; seen in the consumer price index
            4. Positive international balance of payments and trade
                -imports vs. exports
            5. Minimization of negative externalities

The US economy is moving towards a service based economy and away from the production of goods

Monetary Policy-
1.      Gov.’s actions affecting the supply of money and level of interest rates in the economy
2.      Made by the president and congress when they determine the annual federal gov. budget
3.      Fed is responsible for monetary policy
-          decisions that affect how much money is available
4.      Federal reserve bank- clears checks and does some regulating
5.      Board of governors serves 14 year terms, chairman serves 4
6.      Discount rate is lowered if Fed wants to increase total spending in economy
-          discount rate is the interest rate at which private banks borrow from the Fed
7.      Reserve Requirement- banks must keep certain % of their assets on deposit with the fed
8.      buying and selling of government bonds

Fiscal Policy
1.      Gov.’s actions affecting spending and taxing levels; affects overall output and income in the economy
2.      Decisions on taxing, spending, debt
3.      Decided by office of management and budget, president, congress, committee
4.      Can increase government spending or decrease taxes when economic stimulation is required

Trade Policy-
1.      Gov. deals with industry, companies and other governments
2.      Tools used-
a.       tariffs: a tax on imported goods
b.      quotas: limiting imports, restricting supply and price raises
c.       Trade agreements between countries
d.      Exchange rates: manipulating value of one country’s dollar against another

Federal Budget
1.      Uncontrollable over 2/3 b/c that is already taken up by programs such as social security
2.      Budget manipulation only concerns remain 1/3
3.      Major changes
a.       increase in spending for entitlement programs
b.      deficit- annual difference b/t gov. spending and revenues
c.       debt- cumulative total of defecits

Government regulation
            1. is the issueing of rules by government agencies with the aim of reducing the scale of negative externalities produced by private firms

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