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The Death of Woman Wang The Classic Slum comparision

       The book, The Death of Woman Wang is set in a corner of northeast
China during the seventeenth century, in a country called T'an-ch'eng.  This book focuses
on average people of China community.  The farmers, their wives, and other non
educated people.  The book was first published in America in 1978 by Jonathan D.
Spence, who also wrote Emperor of China.  This book was compiled from three sources.
The first is the Local History of T'a-nch'eng, compiled in 1973, it told of the country's
history, location and topography. 
The second is personal memoir's of a scholar named
Huang Lia-hung.  It told of his life as an official in the mid 1600's.  The third was the
work of a short story writer named P'u Sung-ling, who told of the hostility and misery of
the country.  Reading this book was new to me because I had never heard exactly how the
woman was treated in Chinese civilization.  It seamed fairly ruff but in its own way it was
almost the same in the rest of the world at that time "give or take a few small details". It
was a good book but some times took a few cycles of reading through to get the part you
were looking for. 
       The role of men and women of the sixteenth century are defined in this
book, a few of these examples are.  On page nineteen were a man refers to the way that
married and unmarried girls should not stroll by the river or ride up the hill in a carriage,
but how they should stay home and raise the children.  It also refers to how men often
rented out their wives for money. On page sixty three it tells of how a man let his wife
take over the family business for six months, and when the tax collector came to gather
the tax he told here that a smart woman was no match for a stupid man. On page eighty
two it tells a story of how a man was gambling and when he ran out of money he put his
wife up for the bet and lost.  When a year had passed and he had still not paid his debt so
the people took his wife.
        On page ninety nine and one hundred it tells almost like a manual of what
women are bonded to do, to be loyal and women like. It starts out by saying that a few of
the characteristics that women should have, like chastity, courage, tenacity, and death if
necessary when the husband dies to prevent rape.  Out of fifteen women thirteen of them
had committed suicide to save face. 
       About only right that I found in this book that women have is on page
seventy two and seventy three, If the husband dies and  he has a business she may inherit
it only if she has a son but when the son is old enough to run it she must hand it over to
       This book also tells of how families acted and how children were raised
also of how they were treated. It also refers to how only boys go to school to get an
education. On page seventy eight and seventy nine it tells of how married life was for P'u
Sung-ling and how his children acted.  In one instance it tells of how he was engaged
when he was only ten year's old , they were married when they were twelve and had a
son.  The son was very wild in school and in public the only one that he would listen to
was his mother.  But as soon as she left he would act up again.  In one instance the next
door neighbor was yelling so loud that it disturbed the whole neighborhood. So he
crawled over the fence and cut off here nose, ears, and toung and left the woman to die.        
       The people of the farming working class had hardships in ways that was
painful.  First of all the famine was bad when the crop wouldn't make enough to pay the
taxes there wasn't food and sometimes had to move  in order to escape the taxes that they
could not pay.  On page thirty six it tells of how the tax's were set up, the heaviest was
when they harvested and it declined to winter when they didn't have to pay taxes.  These
taxes were a quota that every Chinese city had to pay to Peking.

       The book The Classic Slum was Written by Robert Roberts and was first
published in 1971.  Roberts was born in a Salford slum in 1905.  His parents owned a
corner shop and after school he was an engineer apprentice for seven years, he focused to
writing which won him many scholarships and awards, he has two other books called
Imprisoned Tongues and A Ragged Schooling.  This book depicts life in a slum in Britain
in  the year 1914 and shows us how bad the hardships were.  It shows us how bad the
poverty was along with the Illiteracy and crime.  Reading this book made me think of
how my great grandfather might have felt as he struggled to survive and put food on his
families table.  This book was also an inspiration to me as I learned how bad the lower
class people of this time had it and how the hole family would work all day and still
struggle to feed themselves and put clothes on their backs.
       This book depicts the poverty of this era and here are a few passages that
illustrate theses words.  On page eighteen it shows just how low of a class these people
were, your average industry worker would make   L70 a year were as your average
middle class worker would make L340 a year. 
       On page thirty three it tells of how Clothing clubs exist so you could go in
and pay for the clothing check at a time like buying a new car.  It also tells of how people
would take advantage of this system by taking the cloths then selling them to a neighbor
for half face value and have enough over to get drunk on.  On page seventy five it tells of
how some of the people were to poor to buy clothes at the poor cloths shop also it tells of
how one in four homes in Britain lacked the bare necessities for life in there home.  It
also tells of the common things used for heat to include an open flame or buy stealing
coal or by dragging the canals for droppings.  On page thirty six they  refer to furniture as
if today like a new Jaguar it was so expensive that only the middle class and upper class
had it.
       Food and drink was also a very hard choice here are a few examples that
the people had never enough.  On page fifteen they refer to a grocery store as a gold
mine.  And on page one twelve it tells that in 1904 that one in six babies die in the first
six months from malnutrition.  And on page one eighty seven it tells of how when the war
broke out that  many men were denied to enter the army because of malnutrition bad
teeth, bones and not big enough.  The few that got in came back for leave and their
parents could hardly recognize them strong, big and healthy.
        The milk was either bought in the store or by dairy men vendors in the
street and the last inch of milk was gray from the dirt.  The vendors would put
formaldehyde in the milk to keep it from spoiling so fast, even thought it caused intestinal
problems, so the practice of selling milk in the street was banned in 1901.  
       On page one twelve it tells of the table place of the poor and how they
bought there eggs form vendors that were almost always bad or broke but in the eyes of
the poor nothing was bad nothing could be considered bad beer, egg, milk, bread ect.  The
percent of inmates in prison  that were Illiterate grew from 1835 from  10% to 80% in
1904 on page sixty nine.  On page one twenty it says that men considered pop to be a
woman and child drink , that men only drink beer  and that beer is a mans food one man
was considered to seldom drink less than four quarts a day.  The family would work all
week to buy food for themselves and then on Saturday night the husband would take what
was left over and spend it at the bar to bask away the reality of the pressures of famine.
       Woman of this time were treated as cookers, workers, mothers and wives.
They had no power at the local government, but sometimes did concede in some of the
decisions of the house.
       In my conclusion of the two book's I see socio-economic layers that
continue to this day.  Every social environment has the rich the poor and the barriers that
separate them.  In the The Death of Woman Wang the female is considered less
valuable then in The Classic Slum.  They both depict severe discrimination in part of the
female but you can see the differences .  Like in the The Death of Woman Wang the
woman has inheritance rights but only if she has children to secede her, but in The
Classic Slum the woman has extensive inheritance rights.  The books are both sided in
the part of poverty they both have it and yet the male drinks and gambles the precious
money away.  Education is more stressed in the book The Death of Woman Wang even
poor fathers that could not afford to send there children to school taught them at home.
But in The Classic Slum the children are regarded to have more of an obligation to work
than to go to school and learn.
       The taxes are a major role in the poverty situation in  The Death of
Woman Wang  but the low wages are a factor in the book The Classic Slum.
Malnutrition plays a factor in The Classic Slum but the food factor is not as great in The
Death of Woman Wang.  The respect that a widow has on here dead husband is in no
way the same effect that the widow has on here dead husband in The Death of Woman
Wang.  The Classic Slums wife would just remarry of get a divorce to solve the problem,
but in The Death of Woman Wang  the woman would commit suicide to save here
name.  In the Classic Slum the man would borrow money on the wives name so that if he
couldn't pay it back only her name would be ruined.
       In My general opinion both books were entertaining and a very interesting
view to past lives that have suffered and have faced hardships that have no comparison.
Thank you for giving  me a change of what I read.

The Death of Woman Wang

       The book, The Death of Woman Wang is set in a corner of northeast
China during the seventeenth century, in a country called T'an-ch'eng.  This book focuses
on average people of China community.  The farmers, their wives, and other non
educated people.  The book was first published in America in 1978 by Jonathan D.
Spence, who also wrote Emperor of China.  This book was compiled from three sources.
The first is the Local History of T'a-nch'eng, compiled in 1973, it told of the country's
history, location and topography.  The second is personal memoir's of a scholar named
Huang Lia-hung.  It told of his life as an official in the mid 1600's.  The third was the
work of a short story writer named P'u Sung-ling, who told of the hostility and misery of
the country.  Reading this book was new to me because I had never heard exactly how the
woman was treated in Chinese civilization.  It seamed fairly ruff but in its own way it was
almost the same in the rest of the world at that time "give or take a few small details". It
was a good book but some times took a few cycles of reading through to get the part you
were looking for. 
       The role of men and women of the sixteenth century are defined in this
book, a few of these examples are.  On page nineteen were a man refers to the way that
married and unmarried girls should not stroll by the river or ride up the hill in a carriage,
but how they should stay home and raise the children.  It also refers to how men often
rented out their wives for money. On page sixty three it tells of how a man let his wife
take over the family business for six months, and when the tax collector came to gather
the tax he told here that a smart woman was no match for a stupid man. On page eighty
two it tells a story of how a man was gambling and when he ran out of money he put his
wife up for the bet and lost.  When a year had passed and he had still not paid his debt so
the people took his wife.
        On page ninety nine and one hundred it tells almost like a manual of what
women are bonded to do, to be loyal and women like. It starts out by saying that a few of
the characteristics that women should have, like chastity, courage, tenacity, and death if
necessary when the husband dies to prevent rape.  Out of fifteen women thirteen of them
had committed suicide to save face. 
       About only right that I found in this book that women have is on page
seventy two and seventy three, If the husband dies and  he has a business she may inherit
it only if she has a son but when the son is old enough to run it she must hand it over to
       This book also tells of how families acted and how children were raised
also of how they were treated. It also refers to how only boys go to school to get an
education. On page seventy eight and seventy nine it tells of how married life was for P'u
Sung-ling and how his children acted.  In one instance it tells of how he was engaged
when he was only ten year's old , they were married when they were twelve and had a
son.  The son was very wild in school and in public the only one that he would listen to
was his mother.  But as soon as she left he would act up again.  In one instance the next
door neighbor was yelling so loud that it disturbed the whole neighborhood. So he
crawled over the fence and cut off here nose, ears, and toung and left the woman to die.        
       The people of the farming working class had hardships in ways that was
painful.  First of all the famine was bad when the crop wouldn't make enough to pay the
taxes there wasn't food and sometimes had to move  in order to escape the taxes that they
could not pay.  On page thirty six it tells of how the tax's were set up, the heaviest was
when they harvested and it declined to winter when they didn't have to pay taxes.  These
taxes were a quota that every Chinese city had to pay to Peking.

       The book The Classic Slum was Written by Robert Roberts and was first
published in 1971.  Roberts was born in a Salford slum in 1905.  His parents owned a
corner shop and after school he was an engineer apprentice for seven years, he focused to
writing which won him many scholarships and awards, he has two other books called
Imprisoned Tongues and A Ragged Schooling.  This book depicts life in a slum in Britain
in  the year 1914 and shows us how bad the hardships were.  It shows us how bad the
poverty was along with the Illiteracy and crime.  Reading this book made me think of
how my great grandfather might have felt as he struggled to survive and put food on his
families table.  This book was also an inspiration to me as I learned how bad the lower
class people of this time had it and how the hole family would work all day and still
struggle to feed themselves and put clothes on their backs.
       This book depicts the poverty of this era and here are a few passages that
illustrate theses words.  On page eighteen it shows just how low of a class these people
were, your average industry worker would make   L70 a year were as your average
middle class worker would make L340 a year. 
       On page thirty three it tells of how Clothing clubs exist so you could go in
and pay for the clothing check at a time like buying a new car.  It also tells of how people
would take advantage of this system by taking the cloths then selling them to a neighbor
for half face value and have enough over to get drunk on.  On page seventy five it tells of
how some of the people were to poor to buy clothes at the poor cloths shop also it tells of
how one in four homes in Britain lacked the bare necessities for life in there home.  It
also tells of the common things used for heat to include an open flame or buy stealing
coal or by dragging the canals for droppings.  On page thirty six they  refer to furniture as
if today like a new Jaguar it was so expensive that only the middle class and upper class
had it.
       Food and drink was also a very hard choice here are a few examples that
the people had never enough.  On page fifteen they refer to a grocery store as a gold
mine.  And on page one twelve it tells that in 1904 that one in six babies die in the first
six months from malnutrition.  And on page one eighty seven it tells of how when the war
broke out that  many men were denied to enter the army because of malnutrition bad
teeth, bones and not big enough.  The few that got in came back for leave and their
parents could hardly recognize them strong, big and healthy.
        The milk was either bought in the store or by dairy men vendors in the
street and the last inch of milk was gray from the dirt.  The vendors would put
formaldehyde in the milk to keep it from spoiling so fast, even thought it caused intestinal
problems, so the practice of selling milk in the street was banned in 1901.  
       On page one twelve it tells of the table place of the poor and how they
bought there eggs form vendors that were almost always bad or broke but in the eyes of
the poor nothing was bad nothing could be considered bad beer, egg, milk, bread ect.  The
percent of inmates in prison  that were Illiterate grew from 1835 from  10% to 80% in
1904 on page sixty nine.  On page one twenty it says that men considered pop to be a
woman and child drink , that men only drink beer  and that beer is a mans food one man
was considered to seldom drink less than four quarts a day.  The family would work all
week to buy food for themselves and then on Saturday night the husband would take what
was left over and spend it at the bar to bask away the reality of the pressures of famine.
       Woman of this time were treated as cookers, workers, mothers and wives.
They had no power at the local government, but sometimes did concede in some of the
decisions of the house.
       In my conclusion of the two book's I see socio-economic layers that
continue to this day.  Every social environment has the rich the poor and the barriers that
separate them.  In the The Death of Woman Wang the female is considered less
valuable then in The Classic Slum.  They both depict severe discrimination in part of the
female but you can see the differences .  Like in the The Death of Woman Wang the
woman has inheritance rights but only if she has children to secede her, but in The
Classic Slum the woman has extensive inheritance rights.  The books are both sided in
the part of poverty they both have it and yet the male drinks and gambles the precious
money away.  Education is more stressed in the book The Death of Woman Wang even
poor fathers that could not afford to send there children to school taught them at home.
But in The Classic Slum the children are regarded to have more of an obligation to work
than to go to school and learn.
       The taxes are a major role in the poverty situation in  The Death of
Woman Wang  but the low wages are a factor in the book The Classic Slum.
Malnutrition plays a factor in The Classic Slum but the food factor is not as great in The
Death of Woman Wang.  The respect that a widow has on here dead husband is in no
way the same effect that the widow has on here dead husband in The Death of Woman
Wang.  The Classic Slums wife would just remarry of get a divorce to solve the problem,
but in The Death of Woman Wang  the woman would commit suicide to save here
name.  In the Classic Slum the man would borrow money on the wives name so that if he
couldn't pay it back only her name would be ruined.
       In My general opinion both books were entertaining and a very interesting
view to past lives that have suffered and have faced hardships that have no comparison.
Thank you for giving  me a change of what I read.

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