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The Yugoslavian Conflict

     Yugoslavia is a country burdened by feuding sides in a war that cannot
soon be resolved.  The United Nations are attempting to help the situation,
but until the people of Yugoslavia can come to an agreement continued warfare
and heartache is inevitable.

     The problems in Yugoslavia began because the country is separated into
two distinct parts.  The north and west parts of the country were once under
 the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the south and the east were
controlled by the Ottoman Empire.  This had extreme effects on the ethnic,
cultural and economic differences between the two sides.  The three major
religions in Yugoslavia were Greek Orthodox, Christianity, Roman Catholicism,
and Islam.  The population in the north and west parts of the country were
mostly Catholic and the further south and east you went the population
became more Orthodox. 

     Though these are all important factors contributing to the current
problems in Yugoslavia, perhaps the most relevant issue is the issue of
language.  It wouldn't really be proper to say that Serbian, Croatian,
Slovenian, and Macedonian are the four major languages because some of the
languages are so similar they could be considered the same one.  For example
Serbian and Croatian are so similar that government policy was to promote
through the educational system the idea of a single Serbo-Croatian language.
However both the Serbians and the Croatians challenged this idea and went
through great pains to identify vocabulary that would highlight the
differences rather than the similarities.

     War finally broke out in Yugoslavia on June 25 1991, when Slovenia and
Croatia proclaimed their independence and sovereignty, suspending the
constitution of Yugoslavia and federal legislation on their territories. 
The first thing that Slovenian state did was to take over control of their
borders, removing Yugoslavian border posts and replaced them with Slovenia
Republic posts.  Federal authorities responded to this challenge by
proclaiming the Slovenian acts illegal and charging that in the Republic of
Slovenia some federal functions, notably customs services and air traffic
control, had been forcibly taken over.  The taking over of the borders by
Slovenian militia was deemed sufficient grounds to call out the Yugoslavian
National Army.  This order was given from the ministry of defense, who had
no authority to do so.  Yugoslavia was without a president at the time and
control of the country was given to the supreme commander of the armed
forces.  The whole affair was organized as military support to the federal
police and customs personnel.  The Slovenians offered strong resistance with
their territorial defense units, politically organized the withdrawal of
their representatives from the presidency and the Executive Council of
Yugoslavia, and directed a massive propaganda campaign presenting themselves
as victims of brutal Yugoslavian National Army aggression.

     Croatia also attempted to claim independence, but they had a problem
that the Slovenians didn't have to deal with.  They had a large population
of Serbians in Croatia and with the new laws that the Croatian government
tried to impose the minority Serbians were given no rights as a minority and
were forced to go by the new found Croatian law.  This caused conflicts
inside Croatia between the Serbian rebels and the Croatian National Guard
who tried to keep order.  Many of these conflicts left many people dead and
wounded.  The Yugoslavian National Army (JNA) openly sided with the Serbian
rebels, the Croatians used this opportunity to start an all out anti-JNA
campaign.  The JNA responded by saying that it took orders from the
Presidency of Yugoslavia, not from Tudjman, the Croatian leader, and that it
was constitutionally obliged to protect the integrity of the country and to
preserve peace when it was endangered.  Tudjman put all army units in
Croatia on highest alert and ordered to shoot back if shot at.  The fighting
began in August 1991.  After four and a half months of fighting the United
Nations negotiated a precarious cease-fire, after fourteen previous failing
attempts.  Although Croatia was arming itself with illegal weapons such as
tanks and other heavy artillery, Tudjman knew that they wouldn't stand a
chance on the battlefield with the combined forces of the JNA, Serb
territorial defense units in Croatia, the local militia, and the irregular
volunteers coming from Serbia.  Therefore the strategic aim was a political
and diplomatic victory rather than a military one.  Croatia felt they still
had a chance to win even though the JNA was in Croatia.  They had media
support from Germany if the JNA was drawn deeper into the conflict.  Croatia
decided to provoke the JNA by blockading barracks and cutting off communal
supplies to them.  It was a gamble, they were hoping to draw the JNA into
offensive action and gain political, material, and military support from the
outside.  This plan worked and Croatia did win its independence.

     The last and perhaps most famous war in Yugoslavia that needs to be
discussed is the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The war in Bosnia and
Herzegovina like all the conflicts in Yugoslavia was a result of aggressive
and uncompromising political abuse of national feelings.  "The main strategy
of the parliamentary formations of each of the three groups was mass
expulsion, popularly known as 'ethnic cleansing,' of the other two groups."
(Crnobrnja pg.179) 

     In October 1991 a meeting was held with the three leaders of the
warring states of Yugoslavia and Cyrus Vance of the United Nations.  An
agreement was reached on an immediate cease-fire.  Each of the Yugoslav
parties expressed a wish to see the speedy deployment of a UN peace-keeping
operation.  Progress was made on some other issues, but the main one
regarding the cease fire broke down almost immediately.  It was decided in
mid December 1991 that the UN would become involved in the Yugoslavia
situation and station UN troops on the Yugoslavia ground.  On January 2 1992
Vance held a meeting between the military leaders of Croatia and the JNA at
which a new cease fire agreement was signed.  This one did achieve a drastic
reduction in fighting.  It also allowed the UN to send a group of military
liaison officers who had the task of providing food offices to secure the
cease fire and of preparing the ground for further implementation of the
Vance Plan.  The UN decided to put the headquarters for the United Nations
Protection Force (UNPROFOR) operation in Sarajevo.  It was hoped that the
presence of the blue helmets and white UN vehicles would act to calm the
situation.  It didn't, and only a few months after the installation of its
headquarters, it was forced to withdraw.  "As time passed and the
humanitarian problems to be addressed increased, so did the hardships and
temptations of the UN troops performing their mission on the ground within a
strictly limited mandate, poorly defined political objectives, and no muscle
to defend them and the poorly defined political objectives.  In such a
situation it was inevitable that the troops would be subjected to some
humiliation and the authority of the UN would be undermined."
(Crnobrnja pg.212)  The UN troops were treated as the enemy, they were
accused of taking sides and had their vehicles stolen.  They have been shot
at, wounded, and even killed.  On a few occasions the warring sides have
masqueraded as UN troops, driving around in their vehicles with UN flags and
opening fire on their opponents in order to draw fire against UN troops.

     The situation in Yugoslavia is a grave one, and the United Nations is
doing all it can to attain peace.  They are supplying medical help and
arranging mediations between leaders, but until the people of Yugoslavia
want peace there is nothing the UN can do.

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