Samir Patel
Ms. Priego
English 4 CP
May 11, 1998
Utopia or
All through life humanity tries to
obtain a world in which one can live with enjoyment, equality,
fairness, and
happiness. Many great writers have created utopian worlds that the reader can
consider and
explore. To create a perfect place
compels the writer to write novels that deal with
utopia. People see them selves in a place where it is
fun and enjoyable. Writers see today's
not as the
"good place"(Hermon, Holman).
The world today has many wars, diseases, and world
wide hunger. It takes many steps to produce a utopian
world and is why creating a Utopia is no
easy task. Other type of world that is opposite of
Utopia is dystopia. Dystopia is a place
where in
literary meaning
would be a, "bad place"(Snodgrass).
Novels such as Brave New World,
Fahrenheit 451,
and 1984 are dystopian novels. In Aldous
Huxley's Brave New World, takes the
Individuality and
has made happiness and enjoyment of life in to an artificial feeling with the
presence of
soma. Hope of achieving utopia
humankind in this world obtains dystopia by mass
cloning that
destroys humanity. In Ray Bradbury's
Fahrenheit 451, the controllers of this world try
to achieve utopia
but in turn reach dystopia were knowledge is gone. In George Orwells 1984,
achieve dystopia
by the inner party who strive for domination by controlling love and the
mind. In Once and
Future King, T.H. White creates a utopian world where the idea of equality,
peace, fairness,
and happiness appears as a result of King Arthur's influence. Novel shows how one
individual tries
his whole life striving to achieve utopia.
The novel shows that the life time of one
person is not
enough to obtain this utopia as King Arthur has to past his ideas for the
generations. In Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward,
constructs the perfect utopia where the
individual, love,
and knowledge are practice unlike the other worlds. Looking Backward, and
Once and Future
King, did what the other novels did not; it strives for utopia and reaches it.
that reach utopia
keeps and works the ideas of individualism, love, and knowledge into the
whereas the
dystopian novels eliminate such ideas believing it will lead to utopia.
George Orwell presents a world to the
reader where there is no chance for a utopia whereas
the citizens see
this world as a utopia due to telescreens, propaganda's and brainwashing that
to a society of
no desires or thoughts. Citizens are not
allowed to have personal thoughts or feelings
due to the
telescreens that destroys the individual mind. Telescreens is a designs that is
a two way
television set that the Party uses to keep people from thinking. The telescreens are
monitored by a
force called the Thought Police.
"Thought police plugged in on any individual
wire...-in the
assumption that every sound you made was over heard"(Orwell 7). We see how
this is
forced greatly on
the people when Winston has to hide himself from telescreens just to write down
some of his
thoughts. Huge posters with big eyes
reminds the people that Big Brother is watching
them. This is the constant brainwashing the citizen
go trough as they are attached at a young age to
love Big Brother
and once hooked the party controls them for the rest of there lives. All the
brainwashing of
constant propaganda's and telescreen turns the people in the society into
with only one
desire, to love Big Brother.
In 1984 the society obtains true power
and maintains dystopia by controlling the power of love
both filial and
romantic. Children are brainwash at a young age not to love, but spy against
parents thus
destroying the filial love. The children
are raise to grow up and love only Big Brother.
Party has made
the affection of making love to another as a sinful act. "The aim of the Party was
not merely to
prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to
Its real,
undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act.....The party
was trying
to kill the sex
instinct by distorting it and dirtying it"(Orwell 57). Understanding that sex was apart of
love it was made
to believe to be a sin, but seen right by Party to have sex to gain new
The Party still
had other measure to control love for it is the force that makes their true
The party uses the Ministry of Love
that implements torture to keep control of love to achieve
domination. Pain of torture is to much
to bare as it can strip love and force one to betrayal
as one would do
anything to stop the pain. "I
don't care who it is or what you do to them.
I've got
a wife and three
children... You can take the whole lot of them and cut their throats in front
of my
eyes, and I'll
stand and watch it. But not room
101!"(195). Here is an example of a
prisoner who
has been tortured
for a long time by the Ministry of Love and does not want anymore. Due to this
excessive pain he
is willing to see his own spouse and children killed in front of him for the
love of the
party and not for
his family. This is the same process
that Winston and Julia went through as they
betray each
Winston and Julia severe torture destroys the
romantic love and leads to their mutual betrayal
as they turn to
love Big Brother that made them believe the society they lived in was perfect.
This is
power that the
Party obtains and controls in this dystopia. "Never again will you be
capable of love,
or friendship, or
joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow.
We shall squeeze
you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves"(211). Through
torture leads to
the betrayal of Winston and Julia, "I betrayed you" she said
baldly. "I betrayed
240). After they were drained of the
love for each other they were filled by love of
Big Brother. This is reason why the people of oceana are not
capable to love on their own but made
to love Big
Brother through the power of torture.
With this in mind this society controlled by party
sees it as utopia
whereas it truly and sadly a dystopia in readers eyes and will remain an
dystopia. All
dystopian worlds
are alike such as Brave New World, were their too contains like qualities and
qualities to 1984.
Brave New World shows the individuality
striped from its people who are forced to live
segregated, and unfair without them knowing of it; the people of this
futuristic world
see it as utopia
whereas the reader can clearly see it has dystopia. In this world they have mastered
genetics and are
able to form identical beings by the dozens that destroys individuality. This process
is called
Bokanovsky's Process, "Bokanovsky's Process is one of the major
instruments of social
5). Result of the Bokanovsky process is
mass cloning which is not social stability it
is the
destruction of humanity. No longer the individual exist, the term individual
has a small meaning
in this world of
similar faces. Controllers of this world
are still not done as they strip more of human
nature away.
In quest for utopia the controllers of
Brave New World have created a caste system were at
birth many human
natures are taken away; the controllers act as god and decide who gets what
birth. One must wonder how a world is equal when it
comes to labor? Who gets to decide who
becomes a garbage
man or a company president? In this
society their jobs are chosen before they
are decanted from
their artificial birth. Society creates
different levels of humans so that the lower
the class the
lower quality of being. This is truly
unjust as one group of humans lose their human
nature to grow
both physically and mentally. Higher
classes are not identical for they are made
different but are
only a small percentage of the total population. The higher class is the one
society while the true labor backbone comes from the lower class. To maintain this
caste system the
controllers must take great efforts to keep happiness and pleasure for the
groups so they do
what they are made to do.
Happiness in Brave New World is
artificial with lots of conditioning and the company of the
drug called
soma. All the people in this society go
through conditioning. Conditioning takes
free will to
knowledge as it makes the citizens to learn whatever they are condition. If a
certain group
has to pick up
garbage they will love to pick up garbage.
There is no room for the individual mind
because the
conditioning does not allow the mind to mature in its own way that is why
children were
decanted and not
born. "For you must remember that in
those days of gross viviparous
children were always brought up by their parents and not in State Conditioning
23). The happiness that condition brings
to the caste works efficiently.
this artificial
happiness needs a boost for the members of this society. The higher and lower caste
can sometimes see
their misery which is not intended by the controllers so these people are given
soma. Soma induces pleasure in great amounts and
clears the mind of bad feelings.
and soma
satisfies all pleasures so there is no need for love.
In this world's advances to achieve
utopia cost them many valuable items such as love both filial
and romantic.
Decanting was the lost of filial love because in this world there are no
mothers or
fathers. Citizens are not able to see romantic love
because the controller encourages and conditions
them to have sex
with many different people within their caste.
No love is possible in this society
because true love
is not wanted. People of Brave New World see the love between a mother
disgusting. "The spectacle of two
young women giving breast to their babies made her blush
and turn away her
face. She had never seen anything so
indecent in her life"(Huxley 111).
love for another
death is not seen. The only way they can
see love is when they go to the savage
lands. The savage land is were John is from and
through his eyes the reader can truly see this world
of dystopia.
The reader of Brave New World can see
that the society has not reached utopia as can John
the Savage, but
ironically the people of the society think other wise; citizens believe they
reached a state
of living that many dream of. The people
of this world can not see this dystopia
whereas John
can. Society disgust John because he is
able to see clear without the conditioning and
soma. "'O brave new world that has such people
in it.'...But the Savage had suddenly broken away
and was violently
retching"(Huxley 63). The society
does not understand Johns reaction other then
that they see him
as a savage. Society sees their world as
a utopia and try to show John. "Bernard
and Hemholtz show
off Utopia to John. He is more disgusted
and moody with each passing
13). It is ironic that John is called
the savage when he truly is not.
"But the central irony
in Huxley's
evocation of the Noble Savage idea is that although John Savage, as he comes to
called, fits the
romantic prototype in that he has a natural dignity and intelligence, he is not
76). This shows that Brave New World to
a regular person is not seen to be a
utopia; it is
seen to be a dystopia. Another novel
such as Fahrenheit 451 reaches for utopia but ends
up with dystopia.
Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451, shows a
society that creates a world of happiness without the
cause of pain and
confusion that leads to a world with no thoughts. The society believes that pain
was causing
dystopia along with confusion. So this
society began to strive for complete happiness
believing that
utopia would soon be reached. To rid
pain they made devices to continuously pump in
thoughts. Such devices were television
sets that completely surround the room on all four
sides and
headsets to calm you down and put in happy thoughts. " her ears the little seashells, the
thimble radios
tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and
coming in...of
her unsleeping mind"(Bradbury 11).
Shows how the society tries to keep everyone
happy and free
from pain and confusion. This devises
are not enough for the human brain has many
thoughts so the
society has to try to keep the mind free of any thoughts other then happy
This world believes that knowledge from
books causes to much controversy, confusion, and
pain so
eventually they became extinct. Society
wanted the people to be happy and not ask why.
order too due
this society had to take away the individual mind that forms from the knowledge
receives. The source of knowledge that the society
looks upon to be bad was books. At first
did not burn
books as they thought they could just shorten them. "Classic cut to fit
radio shows, then
cut again to fill a two-minute book column...whose sole knowledge, as I say, of
Hamlet was a
one-page digest in a book claimed: now at last you can read all the classics;
keep up
with your
neighbors."(Bradbury 50). By shortening books they believed it will cause
fewer thoughts
thus leading to
less controversy that leads to less confusion and finally less pain. It is the thoughts
that put
questions inside the mind and this is what the society does not want. Shortening books was
not enough so
they had to take more drastic measures.
In Fahrenheit 451 is a world that does
not let the individual express their own thoughts by
destroying all
the books that help the human mind to form it's of unique individual way. In the
beginning, we see
fire that is used to destroy books.
"It was a pleasure to burn.
It was a special
pleasure to see
things eaten, to see things blackened and changed"(3). This shows how fire is to be
seen throughout
the novel as it destroys books that are knowledge. The destruction of books shows
that destroying
books that creates individuality is not wanted by a uniform society that the
sees as
dystopia. As the books burn and become
blacken is how the minds of many become, as
they no longer
think for themselves. Burning books is
affective from keeping the minds clear of
thoughts but not
enough so the society of Fahrenheit 451 speed everything up.
In this so called utopia the society
has to be on a fast past so they have no time to think or
question; just be
happy. Everything in this society is
practically speed up. "One column,
sentences, a
headline! Then, in mid-air, all
vanishes! Whirl man's mind around about
so fast under
pumping hands of
publishers, exploiters, broadcasters that the centrifuge flings off all
thought!"(Bradbury 50). Even the
teaching of knowledge is speed up.
"School is
discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and
neglected, finally almost completely ignored"(Bradbury 51). This society keeps going
ahead, no time to
see what is wrong.
The society Fahrenheit 451 keeps
pushing themselves so they can be happy and no pain; they
do not look back
and see their dystopia whereas Montag does as Clarisse makes him think.
Montag has been
pushed along with society until he met Clarisse. It took a question from Clarisse,
"Are you
Happy?"(Bradbury 9), and an old lady who burned with her books to change
views about the
society he lives in. Montag soon became
a rebel and went against the ways of the
society. Controllers of this world kills Clarisse
since she was a loose cannon of thoughts to the
society. This is what the society has come to as it
will due anything to preserve their little thoughts of
happiness. Montag is an example of what thoughts and
books can due to a citizen in this futuristic
society. The power of thought can open the eyes and
truly see how the society really is; in chaos.
Once and Future King
shows a novel that is unlike this dystopia for it creates a utopian place.
T.H. White's, Once and Future King
brings a utopia in which King Arthur constructs from his
childhood lessons
from Merlin, but is in danger by the teachings of Toirdealbhach to Arthur's ill
son and the
Orkney boys. These lesson that King
Arthur experienced in his childhood is when he
became a fish, an
ant, and a goose. As a fish he learned
that might right, but learns from this lesson
that might is not
right. When the young wart was an ant he learned that war was wrong and not
worth it. As an ant he saw just how important the
individual mind is. When wart took the
skies with
the geese he learned about territories and boundaries
and learned when to fight and when not to
fight. Arthur's son and the Orkney boys were
thought the old ways that will be the downfall of
Arthur. Still with all the lessons taught by Merlin
Arthur was able to create his utopian society.
King Arthur creates the utopian society
as he pictured in his mind were the individual, thought,
and love can be
free with peace and equality. Arthur
society was booming with people who were
free and able to
walk around without harm.
Where the black knights had
hoved, any virgin could circumambulate the whole
country, even
with gold and ornaments upon her person, without the least fear of harm...All the
tyrannous giants
were dead, all the dangerous dragons
had been put out of action.(White 423)
To obtain
equality Arthur made the round table so that no one was above the other.
"'There will be a
lot of
jealousy,'...'Knights in this order of yours saying that they are the best one,
and wanting to sit at
top of the
table.' 'Then we must have a round table, with no top'"(White 265). After creating the
round table he
had knights flocking to his kingdom. In
time King Arthur creates his perfect society.
In this society
King Arthur makes new ways of teaching to change old ways that caused the past
King Arthur wants his utopia to strive
so he tries to teach the new generations of the new ways,
but he has
challenge by the Orkney boys who have been thought the old ways. King Arthur wants
to teach the
children when they are young so when they get older they are not corrupt.
"The most
important thing,
will be to catch them young. The old
knights, the ones we are fighting against, will
be mostly to old
to learn. We must breed up a new
generation of chivalry for the future"(White
265). This was Arthur's goal to achieve that will
promise him a perfect society forever.
this did not
happen as King Arthur's own son along with the Orkney boys corrupts his
Dystopia came
upon the society that Arthur tries so hard to maintain. All of Arthur's ideas and
values were at
the brink of extinction. King Arthur's
last hopes of his society was to pass his ideas
to a young page
named Tom before his death. "You
see, the King wanted there to be somebody
left, who would
remember their famous idea" (White 636). Tom was told of all the ideas of
utopia and hopes
one day that the society once again will strive. In Looking Backward present a
world like no
other where there is no chance of corruption as in King Arthur's society.
Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward,
takes a dystopian world and changes it around to the
perfect utopia
were no longer exist hunger, war, and hate but instead knowledge, individual,
and love
endures. In the world Julian lives in contains war,
hunger, crime, and has many disputes.
For Julian
never thinks
about this distopic world because he and his family are wealthy. West goes to sleep
one day and wakes
up in the twentieth-century after being in a suspended trance. Mr. Leete brings
West out of this
trance and becomes his guide to utopia.
West learns through Mr. Leete about the
past Boston which
has change in to the next millennium.
Boston in the twentieth-century takes
care of the individuality and allows them to form in their
way. This utopian society expects the
people to due what best fit them too due and
mature in their
own way. "The most delicate
possible test is needed here, and so we leave the
question whether
a man shall be a brain or hand worker entirely to him to settle"(Bellamy
137). This
shows that
society does not push ideas on to the citizens.
Citizens are allowed to strive within their
own talents. "Public policy is to encourage all to
develop suspected talents"(Bellamy 138).
If one
wants to be a
writer he or she can be a writer. No one
in society will tell or make one due
something against
their will other then to participate in society. Each citizen in the new Boston is
taken care of,
"The nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance
of every
citizen from the
cradle to the grave"(Bellamy 149).
The society treats their citizens as equal were no
one gets more
than the other.
New Boston is a utopia where the
citizens can see themselves as equals whereas in the past old
Boston was filled
with unequal social status. Minds of the
citizens in New Boston do not know what
is non equal and
West questions Mr. Leete. Mr. Leete
response is, "It is precisely
because we are
all social equals
whose equality nothing can compromise"(Bellamy 168). Mr. Leete tells West that
all of the
citizens get a year credit of 4 thousand dollars no matter where they
work. West asks how
workers are paid
the same if one worker produces more than the other. Mr. Leete responds by,
"The right
of man to maintenance at the nation's table depends on the fact that he is a
man, and not
on the amount of
health and strength he may have, so long as he does his best"(Bellamy
179). The
society sees
effort applied by the citizens as equal no matter how smaller or greater.
In new Boston
society give everyone equal status and does not divide or split among caste
that is displayed
in dystopian worlds.
Splitting up groups by castes or social
class leads to dystopia and is why it has been removed
in new
Boston. "There are no privileged
few, no overpaid managerial class, and no sexism or
delegating dreary jobs to women, nonwhites, or an overburdened
324). This quotation shows the benefits of not
having class and can be seen in true utopian worlds.
Having such
classes create dystopia as it did in Brave New World. "It is the worst thing about any
system which
divides men, or allows them to be divided, into classes and castes, that it weakens
sense of a common
humanity"(Bellamy 195). In new
Boston the people are seen to be more social
due to the fact
that they are all equals. As everyone is
equal there is no hate between people and
crime has been
made to nothing by eliminating money.
Utopia strives to correct what is done
wrong from the past so they have taken money that
causes lust,
greed and temptations away from the society.
New Boston has figured out that
eliminating money
will rid their societal problems dealing with crime. "Result from the inequality in
the possessions
of individuals; want tempted the poor, lust of greater was the
of all crime, the
taproot of a vast poison growth"(Bellamy 225). Without crime new Boston is in
peace and harmony,
"As with other utopias, the Boston of A.D. 2000 is a dream world that
no anarchy and
subsists in harmony and peace(Snodgrass 325).
Knowledge in this world is
available and
gladly given.
New Boston maintains utopia by not
forcing certain knowledge to the children in schools, but
offers abundance
amount of knowledge. Children acquire
knowledge in certain areas of professions
and arts. Society gives the young citizens till the age
of twenty-one to learn in the area they best
wish. This process is affective because the
knowledge is not being force to them that causes them to
take in
less. "According to Edith, because
of the efficacy of public education in skills and tastes...Art
flourishes. Libraries continue to stock English
classic"(Snodgrass 325). In this
utopia knowledge is
fluent and the
thought of each individual is wanted.
Love prospers in new Boston as it shows
Edith expressing herself towards West.
After waking
up in new Boston
West has been feeling lonely ever since.
West has feelings for Edith but does not
tell her for he
is shy. Due to freedom of expression in
new Boston Edith does not feel shy as she
expresses her
love to West. Edith tells West that she
would have told him sooner but was afraid to
shock him.
I know girls were expected to hide
their feelings in your day, and I was dreadfully afraid of
you. Ah me, how hard it must have been
for them to have always had to
conceal their
love like a
fault. Why did they think it such a
shame to love any one till they had
been given
permission to
fall in love?(Bellamy 293) This shows how the society feels openly about
love. New
Boston has no
restrictions on love and therefore maintains utopia. With all this great changes that are
made from the
past from old Boston to the new Boston can be seen as the journey back to the
garden of Eden;
the very first utopia.
In a higher note Bellamy's Looking
Backward, is society that maintains utopia where citizens
are becoming more
and more innocent and thus in biblical terms are going back to the Garden of
Eden were
violence, greed, and inequality does not exist.
As West was in this garden like society he
was force to
leave when he went to sleep and dreamed he was in old Boston. While back again in
old Boston West
sees true dystopia of corruption, crimes, greed and inequality. West wants to
back to new
Boston; wants to go back to the garden of Eden.
When West once again awaken he is
back in the
future and is so happy he cries, "I was gasping. The tears were streaming down my face,
and I Quivered in
every nerve"(Bellamy 310). At the
end of the novel Bellamy puts a picture in the
readers mind were
West and Edith represent Adam and Even in the garden of Eden. "Edith. fresh as
the morning, had
come into the garden and was gathering flowers.
I hastened to descend to her.
Kneeling before
her, with my face in the dust, I confessed with tears how little was my worth
breath the air of
this golden century"(Bellamy 311).
This shows that new Boston will continue to be
a utopia.
Hubris is excessive pride that the
closed minded societies have shown in 1994, Brave New
World, and
Fahrenheit 451 where they only see utopia when they take away knowledge,
and love which in turn causes dystopia.
The quest for Utopia was found in all the
novels, but only
two made it and the rest became dystopia ironically still believing it was
When great
societies tries to obtain utopia they become blind not seeing that they have
dystopia. This is
not just seen with utopia as this is true for any great substances such as
getting the
American Dream or
getting one million dollars. People and
societies get wrapped up in trying to
reach too far
with their hands and end up losing their bodies. This is why TH. White's Once and
Future King and
Edward Bellamy's Looking Backwards were able to create their utopian societies.
King Arthur's
society did not eliminate all the things that caused dystopia but mixed them
into his
society by the
new ways and old ways. In new Boston
they achieve their utopia by not just
eliminating but
reconstructing their society from the wrongs of the previous society. All the novels
have dreams of
utopia and that may be their success or downfall.
Works Cited
Ash, Brian,
124-129" The Visual Encyclopedia
of Science
Fiction. New York: Harmony Books, 1977. 124-9.
Bellamy, Edward.
Looking Backward. Cambridge: The John Harvard Library, 1970.
Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York:
Ballantine Books, 1973.
Carey, Gary,
ed. Brave New World and Brave New World
Revisited. Lincoln: Cliffs
1965. 6-13
A. "Aldous Huxley, 76-77" Heaven and Hell: The Utopian Theme in Three Novels.
New York: Continuan, 1988.
Hermon, William
and Holman, C. Hugh, eds. A Hand Book to
Literature. 5th ed. New
Publishing Company, 1986.
Aldous. Brave New World. New York:
Harper Perennial, 1989.
George. 1984. New York:
The New American Library, Inc., 1961.
Snodgrass, Mary
Ellen. "Dystopia, 179",
"Looking Backward, 323-324"
Encyclopedia of
Literature. Santa Barbara:
ABC-CLIO, 1995.
White, T.H. The Once and Future King. New York:
Ace Books, 1987.
Word Count: 4981
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