IB English Exam
Question #2 :
Violations of the Declaration of Human Rights during the Salem Witch Trials
During the Salem
witch trials, many violations of today´s Universal Declaration of Human Rights
occurred. Inclusively, some are still being done today. Upon having a victim
under an acusation, many articles were not respected. This is shown in the
manner in which past time juries treated the accused. In my opinion, the
articles that during those times were violated were article four, five, article
six, and seventeen.
Article four
presents the idea of preventing a cruel or unaccepted treatment towards the
victim. It reads the following, "no one shall be subjected to torture or
to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". During the witch
trials in Salem, those who were declared guilty, depending on the charges
he/she was accused of, the victim might suffer a punishment of being hanged,
and one person suffered being crushed under rocks. If the declaration had been
functioning during those past moments, it would have occured, most likely, that
the victims of the illegal charge of witchcraft, might have been given a
life-time jail sentence and not the death-penalty by being hanged or crushed.
Another article
that had been clearly violated during the Salem witch trials was article five,
which states that "everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a
person before the law". Many thought of the women accused of practicing
witchcraft to be diabolic and inhuman ; in fact, they were thought of human
figures of the devil. This would clearly interfere with the judge´s veredict
and it would be almost impossible for the victimis to save themselves from
being condemned to death. If these victims of whom most were in their late
fifties, had been seen as people who are just like us, they would have been
saved from such destiny.
Article Six is
also a great, and maybe the clearest, example to prove the point of violated
human rights. This article says "all are equal before the law and entitled
without any discrimination to equal protection before the law. All are entitled
to protection against any discrimination in violation this Declaration and
against any incitement to such discrimination". In the witch trials of
Salem, it was perfectly clear that the twenty people that lost their lives were
not considered nor treated equally in comparison to the accusers. This occured
most obviously because there were no laws that would protect those who had been
accused. We can see how unprofessional the system was when the judge told Goody
Cloyse to read a passage in the Bible without any mistakes to prove her
innocence, and, once she had done so, she was still declared guilty and was
sentenced. This article expresses that all people are entitled to protection,
but none of the victims of this complot were actually defended nor protected by
issues of law and more got saved of the horrible fate others had suffered.
Finally, the last
article that in my consideration was violated during the Salem Witch Trials is
that one referred to as Article 15. This Article says "everyone has the
right to freedom of opinion and expression ; this right inclues the freedom to
hold opinions without interference". If the victims that were accused of
witchcraft had really been witches, they should have been respected as should
in their freedom of religion, opinion, and expression. Nowadays, witchcraft is
accepted as another religions within many that exist in our modern day
societies. Clearly, neither the judges nor the accusers nor the jury accepted
this freedom and condemned it with the maximum penalty, death.
Perhaps there are
many more rights in the Declaration of Human Rights that were also violated
during these trials, but the onces that to me are most clear, are the ones dictated
and explained. These trials had shown no respect to those victims of these
horrible accusations and once condemned, these people had no way of escaping
death. Nowadays, some violations are still being perpetrated, but at least our
society has laws to prevent these violations and our system has become more
fair with the years.
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