Like most of the
unprepared, naïve Americans who believed the Civil War would consist of a few
short battles and little casualties, who then after the war reached it's second
year truly saw the Civil War for what it really was- the bloodiest in America's
history; Walt Whitman's "Drum Taps" represents this ideal from start
to finish. From the war's first battle
in 1861 when Whitman saw the endeavor as a chance for the North to put to rest
all of the turmoil the South created, to the see-saw battles and first hand
knowledge of the detriments war could create, the poet's attitude evolved. Though many poems in "Drum Taps" is
indicative of this development, "The Wound Dresser" is the best example
of the author looking back upon his own initial opinions of the war, while
stationed at a field hospital carrying his latest and final thoughts regarding
what he held as an unnecessary encounter.
However, to
understand the contrasts between his first, then ultimately conclusive belief, one must delve into his earlier
works. In the first poem of "Drum
Taps", "First O Songs For A Prelude" the poem indicates to the
reader that Whitman is staunchly enthusiastic towards the first battle:
The tumultuous escort, the ranks of policemen
clearing the way, The unpent enthusiasm, the
wild cheers
of the crowd for their favorites...War! Be it
weeks, months,
or years, an arm'd race is advancing to welcome
As we can see,
like most Americans, Whitman was proud of the engagements to come because at
the time, war was only viewed by those who had never seen the ugly side of it.
Like a diary of prose, "Drum Taps"
follows the war and the attitudes that accompany such an event. A further example of the author's excitement
for war and take no prisoners attitude can be read in "Beat! Beat!
Beat! Beat! Drums!- blow! Bugles! Blow!
Make no parley- stop for no
Mind not the timid- mind not the weeper
or prayer,
Mind not the old man beseeching the young
Let not the child's voice be heard, nor
the mother's entreaties,
Make even the trestles to shake the dead
where they lie awaiting
the hearses.
Again we can see
Whitman's encouragement to begin something that he will later wish never
Eventually, Whitman finds himself working in a
field hospital during the second half of the Civil War and through his
writings, takes a self-reflexive view concerning his former wartime
mentality. Though most of his Civil War
poems following 1862 demonstrate the authors matured viewpoint, no better work
describes this evolution or contributes to the overall theme of "Drum
Taps" better than "The Wound Dresser."
This poem
describes Whitman working for the Union Army and questioning his earlier,
incognizant attitude. The unique asset of this poem is it's ideal
involvement of self reflection:
Arous'd and angry, I'd thought to beat
the alarum, and urge
relentless war,
But soon my fingers fail'd me, my face
droop'd and I resign'd
To sit by the wounded and soothe them, or
silently watch the
This passage in
the poem demonstrates the authors discontent for his earlier feelings, and
ultimate realization of the role he has taken to aid in the war effort.
Another guise of "Drum Taps" this
work embodies is Whitman's unyielding compassion for the soldiers involved in
the war effort:
...With hinged knees and steady hand to
dress wounds,
I am firm with each, the pangs are sharp
yet unavoidable,
One turns to me his appealing eyes-poor boy!
I never knew you,
Yet I think I could not refuse this
moment to die for you, if that
would save you.
This display of
pity is common throughout "Drum Taps."
Like most wars, and in particular the Civil War
was a war of attrition. The side that
had the most to spare usually won for reasons of sheer numbers. Because of this style of fighting, shotgun
hospitals were constructed near the fields of battle in order to receive the
uncountable casualties. Because Whitman
held the position of wound dresser, he encountered first hand the atrocities
that took place during battle:
On, on I go...The crushed head I dress...
The neck of the cavalry- man with the
bullet through and through
I examine,
Hard the breathing rattles, quite glazed
already the eye, yet life
struggles hard...From the stump of the
arm, the amputated hand,
I undo the clotted lint, remove the
slough, wash off the matter
and blood...I dress a wound in the side,
deep, deep,
But a day or two more, for see the frame
all wasted and sinking,
And the yellow-blue countenance see.
As one can tell,
war is not pretty. After reading
"Drum Taps" it was plain to see why his attitude so dramatically
changed. Like so many people who view
life from the sidelines, it is easy to form a glamorized opinion when there is no first hand knowledge
of the situation.
Walt Whitman's "Drum Taps" and more
specifically "The Wound Dresser" offered an unintentional case study
into how one's wartime paradigm can change when faced with the situation first
hand. Because "The Wound
Dresser" is so indicative of the larger work, one would only have to read
the poem in order to catch the gist of the entire collection of "Drum
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