ENG 2000
Spring Semester
The first agency I volunteered to work for is a
program called Summer Quest. Summer Quest is designed to help students that are
in the sixth through twelfth grade experience a "positive summer
experience." What this actually means is that it provides students an
opportunity to do fun and exciting things, in a positive atmosphere. Instead of the students sitting at home alone
the entire summer, they have a place where they can hang out and enjoy
themselves. This is a great program that offers students an alternative to
getting into trouble and being alone during the Summer. Summer Quest is also
setup in a way that all the activities are relatively inexpensive.
This is where I come in. I was in charge of
putting together a schedule of activities for each week. The schedule included
an activity for Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to
11:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This was a very difficult
assignment. I had to plan fun events,
but also make them very inexpensive. This was an interesting task that allowed
me for the first time to use many of the skills I had learned in my
Organizational Communication classes. I had to negotiate prices for admission, and
figure out transportation and food cost. It also taught me a lot about planning
and time organization. I had to plan months in advance, and fill in every
second of the day with activities to keep the students busy. Now I know that in the future when I am in
the real world, I can plan big events and pull them off successfully because of
this experience.
second agency that I worked for was Parkway Preschool. This agency has two
types of programs. They call the first program "Moms Day Out." This
program allows parents who cannot afford, or do not have the resources of
proper child care, a chance to drop their kids off three times a week from 8:30
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The second program is a regular preschool program running
from Monday to Friday. I had the
opportunity to work with both programs during my volunteer work.
During my day at the program I would sit in
with different classes and help the teacher teach. I would read the children
stories, sing songs, and play games. I
had too often think of games that would teach a lesson, or come up with a
creative way to learn things like the alphabet.
If a year ago someone had told me that I would be working with
preschoolers I would have called them a liar, but the fact is I loved it. The
time I shared with the children was a great joy. While at first I dreaded knowing I had to go
to the preschool, as the semester went on, I looked forward to the time I could
be there with the kids. I can truly say
that I not only taught them, but they
taught me.
lesson I learned does not deal with what I thought I would learn, but was the
greatest lesson of all. It deals with
the male role model in children's life.
I noticed as I worked at the preschool that there was several boys who,
from the time I walked into the building to the time I left, would stay
clutched to my side. Everywhere I would
go, they would follow. They would always
give me a hug and want me to play with them. During lesson time they would all
flock around me, getting as close as they could. On the play ground they would
gather around and want me to throw the ball to them, play chase, or push them
on the swing. The first day it began to happen I thought they were only doing
it because I was new, and that it would wear of in a couple of days, but to my
surprise it did not. In fact, they began
to become more zealous about my time at the preschool, and would ask the
teachers every day, "Is Mr. Jamie coming today."
I soon
began to wonder why all these male students were so excited about me coming to
the school. When I asked another teacher about it she reveled something to me
that broke my heart, and for the first time I began to realize why these young
boys clung to me so much. While all the kids were eating their snacks, she
pointed to each boy that had became attached to me and began to tell their
stories. She shared with me about each
boy's situation. It so happened that the
boys that would stay close to me were the ones without a father or male role
model in the home. They were mostly from female-headed households. I began to realize that I was providing these
students with a male role model that would spend time with them.
I remembered how my own Dad was always there
for me, to stand next to, play ball with, or just to talk to. These children
had never had anyone like that in their lives, there was a void, and I was
being used to fill that void. When I realized this, I looked at the time I had
spent with them and how much it meant. From that point on I have set in my
heart always to spend sometime with children that have no positive male role
models in their life and try to help them.
I can either watch a movie for two hours a week and not gain a thing, or
spend those same two hours with a child, and it will mean more than I will ever
really know.
In conclusion, I found that there where two
major areas in my life that were greatly influenced, and positively affected by
being a part of Service Learning. The
first area relates to commitment. When I
first signed up for Service Learning, I was not very thrilled about doing so
much volunteer work. I felt that I had
too much to do, and to little time to do it in.
I thought that there would be no way I could volunteer for seventy-five
hours, work, and go to school full time, but I decided that I would try
it. I felt that if the volunteer work did not fit into my
schedule, or if I did not have a enough time for it, I would just drop the
class. I had no level of commitment at
all to the volunteer work in the very beginning, especially work that dealt
with little kids, but my friends told me I would enjoy it, so I went for it.
The first day however fueled the desire to give up even more. The first day all
I did was fill out paper work, talk to the director, and prepare snacks. This
all changed on my second visit. It was
then that I was allowed to go into a class for the first time. I saw the
smiling faces of twenty-five adorable
looking three and four year olds. The first time I walked into the room I felt
completely loved. It was a wonderful and
exciting day. The drudging volunteer work became more to me like a magnificent
opportunity. The hardest part of the
work was the time I had to leave. The kids
would all come up and give me hugs and ask when I was going to come back. Commitment then became part of the job. When I committed to those children that I
would be there on a certain day, I was there.
I learned that once you agree to something, stick it out. In the very beginning doing it may seem
useless or hard, but stick with it, in the end you may learn to love it.
The second area involved deals with
selfishness. At first, like most of the world, I was only concerned about
myself. I wanted to do only what James wanted to do. Through volunteer work I
began to see that the true joy in life was not pleasing me, but in pleasing
others. When I saw the looks on the children's faces as I played with them, or
when I would show the Summer Quest kids the Summer schedule, a joy filled my
life that I never received by trying to please myself.
If all of humankind would just give up a little
time a day and help another human what a wonderful world this would be, and
what a treasure of happiness in the joy of helping others they would find.
I hope every student has the opportunity to
take this course. For me it was a very enlightening one and I feel that it
would be just as beneficial to other students. Thank you for allowing me to
have this opportunity
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